Show installation of a prostitution vehicle
Prostitution vehicles are motor vehicles, vehicle trailers and other mobile equipment provided for the provision of sexual services.
If you wish to set up a prostitution vehicle for operation on more than 2 consecutive days or several times a month, you must register this in advance.
If you wish to report the provision of a prostitution vehicle, you must:
- a valid permit for the provision of a specific prostitution vehicle show proof of this.
- ensure that the operating hours and the operating location comply with the legal requirements for the protection of all parties involved.
- First and last name of the vehicle owner and the full name of the operator of the prostitution vehiclees,
- Copy of the permit for the provision of the prostitution vehiclees, copy of a proxy permit if applicable,
- the vehicle or vessel registration number of the prostitution vehiclees,
- precise details of the location,
- the duration of the installation,
- the operating hours,
- consent of the property owner or permission for special use of public roads,
- Copies of the registration certificates or alias certificates of the prostitutes working in the prostitution vehicle,
- Copies of the agreements concluded with the prostitutes.
You must notify the competent authority of the installation of a vehicle 2 weeks in advance. beforehand.
Please contact the locally responsible district or the locally responsible independent city in which the prostitution vehicle is to be set up. the prostitution vehicle is to be set up.
Before registering a prostitution vehicle, you need a permit for the provision of a specific prostitution vehicle. You can obtain this upon application to the relevant local district or city.
If you do not register a prostitution vehicle, do not register it correctly, not completely or not in time registerthis constitutes an administrative offense and can be punished with a fine.
Ministry of Economic Affairs, Science and Digitalization
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