Register a place of prostitution
Places of prostitution are buildings, individual rooms or other fixed facilities. They are business premises and are used for sexual services.
If you want to operate a production site, you need a permit beforehand.
Certain conditions are attached to the place of prostitution. These are above all minimum structural standards that must be adhered to.
Permission to operate a prostitution facility can also be granted for a limited period.
In order to obtain an operating licence for a place of prostitution, it must:
- have adequate sanitary facilities;
- have suitable recreation and break rooms;
- have individually lockable storage options for personal belongings.
The premises of the prostitution centre used for sexual services:
- have an appropriate emergency call system;
- have doors that can be opened from the inside at any time;
- must not be visible from the outside;
- may not be used as a living room or bedroom.
- Operating concept
- written application for a permit
- Proof of personal reliability (certificate of good conduct document type 0)
- Information from the debtor register
- Building permit/usage permit
- Floor plan drawing (preferably on a scale of 1:100)
- Rental agreement/proof of ownership (copy)
- Proof of valid operating approval
- Excerpt from the Central Trade Register for natural and legal persons (document type 9)
In addition, the following information must be proven
- in the case of a natural person:
- Name
- date of birth and
- Address of the person for whom the permit is requested
- in the case of a legal person or association of persons
- name of the company,
- Address
- number of the register sheet in the commercial register and
- Registered office of the company.
For the permission of a prostitution place costs between 500.00 and 3,000.00 euros are incurred.
You are not allowed to operate the prostitution site until you have permission.
Please contact the district or the independent city where the prostitution site is located.
Application forms can be obtained from the competent authority.
Before you operate a prostitution facility, you must apply for permission.
The competent body then checks whether the structural and commercial standards are complied with.
You will then receive your permission in writing.
You can find out how to obtain a permit for your prostitution business under the keyword "Applying for a permit for prostitution business".
- §12 Abs. 2 Law for the Protection of Persons Working in Prostitution (Prostitute Protection Act - ProstSchG)
- §16 Act for the Protection of Persons Working in Prostitution (Prostitute Protection Act - ProstSchG)
- §3 Implementation Act of the State of Saxony-Anhalt to the Prostitute Protection Act (ProstSchG-AG LSA)
Ministry of Economic Affairs, Science and Digitalization of the State of Saxony-Anhalt
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
06886 Lutherstadt Wittenberg
Consultation hours of the specialist services:
Tue 08:30 - 12:00
13:00 - 15:00
Thu 08:30 - 12:00
13:00 - 18:00
Information of the district of Wittenberg:
Mon 08:30 - 17:00
Tue 08:30 - 17:00
Wed 08:30 - 14:00
Thu 08:30 - 18:00
Fri 08:30 - 14:00
Frau Jenny Göttert
- Wittenberg:
- Apply for a financial investment intermediary permit
- Apply for approval of sales events
- Events in public transport areas - Permit
- Register a place of prostitution
- Register a representative for prostitution
- Register for a meeting
- Registering a prostitution event
- Registering prostitution activities for the first time
- Show installation of a prostitution vehicle
- Submit information on the preparation of external alert and emergency response plans
Herr Uwe Wildenhain
- Wittenberg:
- Apply for a financial investment intermediary permit
- Apply for approval of sales events
- Events in public transport areas - Permit
- Register a place of prostitution
- Register a representative for prostitution
- Register for a meeting
- Registering a prostitution event
- Registering prostitution activities for the first time
- Show installation of a prostitution vehicle
- Submit information on the preparation of external alert and emergency response plans