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You enter your place of residence or the place where you want to contact the administration or use the location sensing.


In the second step, you choose which information you really need.

Source: BUS Sachsen-Anhalt (Linie6Plus)

Applying for a certificate of competence for event technology managers


For stage events, the management of technical stage operations by technical specialists is mandatory. For stages with a stage area behind the stage opening of more than 200m², these must be in possession of a certificate of competence in accordance with Section 39 of the Venue Ordinance (VStättVO). This applies to theater masters (stage masters) and lighting masters.

For events on stages with a stage area of more than 50m² and no more than 200m² floor space, the tasks must be performed by at least one event technology specialist with at least three years of professional experience. The tasks can also be performed by experienced stagehands or lighting technicians who have already been allowed to perform these tasks in the last three years before the VStättVO came into force.

20 Euro according to BauGVO LSA of 04.05.2006, tariff item 14.8

The certificates of competence are issued on application by the supreme building supervisory authority.

The certificate of competence is only issued by the State Administration Office to persons who were allowed to work without a certificate of competence before the VStättVO came into force and who have worked continuously for the last three years as a studio master, studio lighting master, theater master, theater lighting master, stage lighting master, stage master or hall master.

Ordinance on the construction and operation of places of assembly (VStättVO LSA) dated 20.05.2009 (GVBl. LSA No. 9/2008 dated 27.05.2008)
Announcement of the MLV dated 30.10.2008-45.2-24001 (MBl. LSA No. 40/2008 dated 17.11.2008)

The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

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