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Source: BUS Sachsen-Anhalt (Linie6Plus)

Apply for entry in the marriage register


Properly issued marriage certificates (marriage certificates) from abroad are generally recognised in Germany. There is no obligation to subsequently certify the marriage.

However, the subsequent entry in the marriage register can be advantageous because the local registry office can then issue you with a German marriage certificate. Any translations and certifications of the foreign certificate will therefore no longer be necessary in future.

A marriage concluded abroad can only be entered in the German marriage register if it was legally concluded. Furthermore, it must not contradict German law.

The subsequent certification of the marriage is possible for:

  • German nationals
  • Stateless persons, homeless foreigners or foreign refugees with habitual residence in Germany.

Persons entitled to apply:

  • each spouse
  • are both deceased
    • their parents or
    • their children
  • Marriage certificate (marriage certificate) of the marriage concluded abroad, if necessary with certification by the competent foreign authority (apostille) or legalisation by the German diplomatic mission abroad
  • valid identity card, passport or travel permit
  • if applicable, certificate of naturalization, citizenship certificate
  • Translations of all documents in a foreign language by sworn translators in Germany.

Further additional documents required:

if the spouses were born in Germany

  • the birth certificates

If the spouses were born abroad

  • the birth certificates with certification by the competent foreign authority (apostille) or legalisation by the German mission abroad.

If one spouse has been married before

  • certified copy from the marriage register of the last previous marriage with annotation of dissolution
  • Alternatively, or in the case of a previous marriage abroad: proof of the conclusion and dissolution of all previous marriages - for example marriage certificates, death certificates, all divorce decrees (complete and with a note by the court as to when the decree became final / "final decree note")
  • if applicable, recognition of the foreign divorce by the President of the Higher Regional Court

If one of the spouses had previously entered into a registered civil partnership:

  • Evidence of the establishment and dissolution of all civil partnerships.

The fee depends on the nationality of the spouses at the time of the marriage.

  • Notarisation of a marriage contracted abroad
    • for German nationality of both partners: 60,00 Euro
    • in the case of foreign citizenship
      • of one partner: 90,00 Euro
      • of both partners: 110,00 Euro
  • Notarisation or certification of a declaration, consent or agreement to the use of a name on the basis of family law regulations: 25.00 Euro
  • Copy of the marriage certificate:
    • one copy: 10,00 Euro
    • each additional copy, if applied for at the same time: 5,00 Euro
  • if you are domiciled in Germany: the registry office of the place where you live or habitually reside
  • if you live abroad: Registry Office I in Berlin

Registry Office I in Berlin
Schönstedtstr. 5
13357 Berlin (Mitte)
Phone: + 49 30 90 269-5000
Fax: + 49 30 90 269-5245

Opening hours:
Mon closed
Tue 09:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Wed closed
Thu 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Fri closed

Details about the modalities and the documents that the registry office requires from you in detail, please ask there in advance by phone.

  • Compile the necessary documents and visit the registry office.
  • The registrar will check whether it is possible to have the marriage recorded by a German registry office.
  • If the requirements are met, the entry can be made in the marriage register.

If required, the registry office will issue you with a marriage certificate after the registration has taken place.

Since 1 January 2009, certified copies of the family register are no longer issued - the registry office continues to keep the data of the family registers as marriage entries.

If you need proof, please request a marriage certificate in each case.

If you have married abroad, you can apply to the registry office in your home town for the marriage to be subsequently recorded in the German marriage register.

Federal Ministry of the Interior

The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

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