Applying for entry in the commercial register for a European company
The formation of a European Company becomes effective upon entry in the commercial register. In addition, the entry is published in the Official Journal of the European Union for information purposes.
If information about your company has changed, you must have the commercial register entry amended. Details include, for example
- Registered office
- legal form
- Authorized representatives
- Registration
- Certificate of incorporation with articles of association
- Certificates of appointment of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board (dualistic system) or the Administrative Board and the Managing Directors (monistic system)
- Proof that the amount paid in is finally at the free disposal of the Management Board or the managing directors (bank confirmation)
- List of the members of the Supervisory Board or the Board of Directors
- Incorporation report
- Audit reports of the members of the Supervisory Board and the Management Board or the Board of Directors as well as the founding auditors together with their documentary evidence
- in the case of Sections 26 and 27 AktG, the contracts on which the determinations are based or which have been concluded for their execution, as well as a calculation of the formation costs to be borne by the company
Depending on the form of incorporation of the European Company, further documents may be required.
Fixed fees are charged for entries in the commercial register in accordance with the Commercial Register Fees Ordinance.
The responsibility lies with the Stendal Local Court as the central register court.
You must contact a notary.
To submit an application, contact a notary.
- The notary will advise you on how to formulate the application.
- The application is made exclusively by electronic means and a publicly notarized document is created for this purpose.
- The declaration is provided with an electronic signature (in accordance with § 39a Beurkundungsgesetz/BeurkG) and sent to the electronic court and administrative mailbox of the registry court.
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