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You enter your place of residence or the place where you want to contact the administration or use the location sensing.


In the second step, you choose which information you really need.

Source: BUS Sachsen-Anhalt (Linie6Plus)

Applying for an assessment of helplessness and levels of care allowance for war victims


If you are helpless as a result of injury, you can apply for a monthly care allowance.

Helplessness is assumed, for example, in the case of these health disorders recognized as damage consequences:

  • Blindness and severe visual impairment
  • Paraplegia and other disabilities that require the use of a wheelchair permanently and permanently - even within the living space
  • Brain damage, seizure disorders, mental retardation and psychosis, if these health disorders alone cause a degree of damage consequences (GdS) of 100
  • Loss of two or more limbs, excluding lower leg or foot amputation on both sides


For the determination of helplessness and the levels of the care allowance, the principles laid down in the Medical Care Ordinance (VersMedV) apply.

You are considered helpless if you need permanent help from others for a number of frequently and regularly recurring activities to secure your personal existence.

This also applies if:

  • the help in the form of monitoring or guidance is required


  • although the assistance does not have to be provided permanently, a constant willingness to provide assistance is required.
  • Helplessness must be present
  • Documents for the determination of helplessness (expert opinion of the medical service of the health / care insurance, if available)

Contact the pension office in the state administration office in Halle (Saale).

The examination of whether and, if so, to what extent there is helplessness due to damage is usually carried out by means of a medical assessment (possibly as part of a home visit).

Lower Saxony Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Gender Equality

The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

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