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Source: BUS Sachsen-Anhalt (Linie6Plus)

Apply for entry of the training contract in the register of vocational training relationships according to BBiG


This register is maintained by the competent authorities responsible for the training (e.g. Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Chamber of Skilled Trades & Crafts (, HWKs)) It contains all recognised occupations requiring formal vocational training  and records all essential contents of the vocational training arrangement

After the contracting parties have concluded the contract, you submit an application for registration to the competent authority for the region. The competent authority checks the legality of the contract and then confirms the registration of the vocational training agreement.

For this, there are certain minimum details that must be included in the vocational training agreement.

  • Names and addresses of the contractual parties
  • Objective of the training, as well as its breakdown in terms of content and time
  • Start and duration of the training
  • Length of the probationary period (minimum one month and maximum four months)
  • Training location
  • Training provision outside the company
  • Payment and amount of training allowance
  • Duration of regular working hours
  • Duration of leave
  • Conditions according to which the agreement can be terminated
  • Other arrangements
  • Signatures of all contractual parties

When registering the training agreement, a shorter training period can be agreed if previous vocational training, such as training completed at a full-time vocational school or completion of a basic vocational training year, has been completed. The exact rules on this depend on your federal state and can be obtained from the competent authority.

If the trainee is not yet of legal age when the contract is concluded, the consent of the trainee’s legal guardian must be obtained in order to conclude the contract. Both parents are entitled to represent the trainee jointly; in exceptional cases, one parent or a guardian.

  • Entry in the register requires that the vocational training agreement complies with the German Vocational Training Act () and the training regulations.
  • Training can only be provided in recognised occupations requiring formal vocational training. The exact name of the occupation requiring formal training is entered and, if applicable, also its specialist field.
  • The training personnel and the training facility must be suitable in terms of personal and professional qualifications.
  • Recognition of prior vocational training: prior vocational training is recognised depending on the respective federal state
  • Regarding minors: According to the German Employment of Young Persons Act (, JArbSchG), a young person may only be employed if they have been examined by a doctor within the last 14 months and the trainer has a certificate issued by that doctor.
  • A duplicate or copy of the agreement.
  • A complete breakdown of course content and timetable in accordance with the training regulations
  • In the case of a shortened training period: copies of the relevant documents (e.g. school certificates)
  • For trainees not yet of legal age at the start of their training: copy of the medical certificate from the first medical examination

The fee for entry in the register is paid by the training employer, not the trainee.

The fee amount for entry is governed by the fee regulations of the competent authority for the region.

The vocational training agreement must be reported immediately after it is concluded, at the latest before the vocational training starts.

If the documentation is complete, the contracting parties will receive confirmation of entry in the register within four weeks.

Contact the responsible chamber. This can be, for example

  • the Chamber of Skilled Crafts for vocational training in professions under the Crafts Code,
  • the Chamber of Industry and Commerce for vocational training in non-trade occupations,
  • the Chamber of Agriculture for vocational training in agricultural and rural domestic professions,
  • the Chamber of Lawyers, Patent Attorneys and Notaries as well as the Notary's Office for the vocational training of specialists in the field of law,
  • the Chamber of Auditors and the Chamber of Tax Consultants for the vocational training of professionals in the field of auditing and tax consultancy,
  • the Chambers of Physicians, Dentists, Veterinarians and Pharmacists for the vocational training of healthcare professionals.
  • Forms: Application for entry
  • Online procedure: In some cases
  • Written form requirement as per German Civil Code Art.126: Yes
  • Appearance in person required: No

The competent authority in your region will provide you with all forms as downloads on its website or will support you in using online procedures.

Following conclusion of the training agreement, you as the training employer are required to have the entry to the register carried out.

  • You send the application for entry including all required documents to the competent authority.
  • The competent authority verifies all details of the application and subsequently issues a confirmation of entry in the register for both contracting parties.
  • After signing the vocational training agreement and registering with the competent authority, you as the company providing the training must immediately issue a copy to the trainee and his/her legal representative.

If there are any changes to the training agreement during the training, you must notify us immediately.

The procedure is carried out in German only.

Deutscher Industrie- und Handelskammertag

The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

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