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You enter your place of residence or the place where you want to contact the administration or use the location sensing.


In the second step, you choose which information you really need.

Source: BUS Sachsen-Anhalt (Linie6PLus)

Apply for exemption from proof of disposal


The disposal, i.e. the recovery or disposal including the collection and transport of hazardous waste, is subject to a verification procedure under waste law. Waste producers as well as holders, transporters, collectors and disposers of hazardous waste are obliged to do so. This does not apply to private households and small volume producers who do not generate more than two tonnes of hazardous waste per year.

If the disposal company is approved for the privileged procedure, your proof becomes valid under federal law without official confirmation. As a rule, these disposal companies are specialist waste disposal companies and have been given an exemption number for the privileged procedure.

Access to the electronic verification procedure through a mailbox directly at the Central Coordination Office of the Länder (ZKS) or via a provider.
An electronic signature card is required for the necessary electronic signature of the proof documents. This signature card is available from various providers.

  • Mandatory forms of the Verification Regulation (responsible declaration by the producer (DEN, VE, DA), declaration of acceptance (AE))
  • including suitable declaration analysis

The privileged certificates must be valid at the time of disposal.
According to Land law, waste subject to disposal is only possible after submission of the allocation.
A certificate can be valid for a maximum of five years.
The deadlines for sending the electronic consignment notes by the disposal company are 10 calendar days.

1 to 4 weeks

Please contact the State Administration Office.

  • Form name: Responsible declaration by the producer (DEN, VE, DA), declaration of acceptance (AE)
  • If applicable, link to the aforementioned form: Only possible electronically via the electronic proof procedure
  • Online procedure possible: yes
  • Written form required: yes
  • Personal appearance required: no
  • preparation of the responsible declaration (DEN, VE, DA) by the producer,
  • Supplementing the declaration of proof with the declaration of acceptance (AE) of the disposal company,
  • Submission of electronic proof to the disposal authority,

Ministry of the Environment, Energy, Food and Forestry Rhineland-Palatinate

The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

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