Apply for a certificate in tax matters
The "Bescheinigung in Steuersachen" (formerly: "steuerliche Unbedenklichkeitsbescheinigung") provides an overview of your tax reliability.
You need the certificate in tax matters in particular for trade licenses, such as
- the granting of a restaurant license,
- the extension of a residence permit, or
- the awarding of public contracts.
The content of the certificate is limited to the non-judgmental statement of tax facts, such as
- existing tax arrears,
- your payment history or
- the fulfillment of your tax declaration obligations
The certificate refers to the current state of affairs, taking into account your behavior in the past. A forecast of future behavior is not made in this respect.
You can apply for the certificate electronically via ELSTER, in writing or by telephone at your local tax office. The application should include the following:
- Name,
- address,
- Your tax number and/or tax identification number,
- to whom you wish to present the certificate and
- the reason for presentation.
You submit the application for a certificate in tax matters to the tax office responsible for you.
This office will issue the certificate.
As the "certificate in tax matters" is not an administrative act, but merely an expression of knowledge, there is no possibility of appeal.
The responsible tax office can be found on the website of the Federal Central Tax Office:
If you are registered with "My Elster", you can submit the application for a certificate in tax matters via the following path: --> Forms and services --> All forms --> Other message to the tax office
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