Apply for cinema project funding
The German Federal Film Board (FFA) supports cinema operators and their cinemas in Germany with its funding. This is funding in accordance with the project principle, which serves to maintain or improve structures. In addition, measures to create accessibility in the cinemas as well as digital equipment for audio description and/or subtitles are funded. Furthermore, subsidies can be applied for to provide business management advice to cinemas, for media education support for children and young people, and for the regular screening of short films as supporting films in cinemas or original short film programmes. Funding can be applied for from the German Federal Film Board (FFA) for the following measures:
- For the modernisation and improvement of cinemas as well as new cinema buildings, provided they serve to improve structures, you can receive funding of up to EUR 200,000, in exceptional cases up to EUR 350,000. The subsidy amounts to a maximum of 50 percent of the total eligible costs. You will receive up to 30 percent of this funding as a non-repayable grant and 70 percent as an interest-free loan. The term of the loan depends on the loan amount. The maximum term is 10 years.
- For the creation of barrier-free accessibility in cinemas, you can receive funding of up to 50 percent of the total eligible costs as a grant. Funding for the creation of accessibility can exceed the maximum funding amount.
- You can receive subsidies of up to EUR 200,000 for measures of contractually agreed cooperation between cinemas, for exceptional or exemplary advertising or marketing measures, as well as for other measures that appear suitable to strengthen the competitiveness of cinemas as a whole and to ensure their nationwide maintenance.
- Grants of up to EUR 5,000 may be awarded for advisory services to cinemas and for the screening in cinemas of children's and youth film programmes accompanied by media education.
- Grants of up to EUR 2,000 are available for the regular screening of short films as supporting films in cinemas and for original short film programmes for cinemas.
The decision on your application will be made by the Commission for the Promotion of Cinema.
The application must be submitted digitally via the FFA website; in addition, the signed application must be sent by post.
You have no legal claim to the granting of funding.
Applications can be submitted by
- Cinema operators in Germany
For measures of contractually agreed cooperation between cinemas, for exceptional advertising and marketing measures and for media education support, institutions close to the industry and based in Germany are also eligible to apply.
When submitting your application, you must submit:
- Cost and financing plan
- Cost estimates or a cost calculation signed by the architect according to DIN 276
- Information about rental, lease or ownership conditions
- Current excerpt from the commercial register or association register of the applicant (not older than 1 year)
- In the case of new buildings or large extension projects: a copy of a profitability calculation by a tax advisor or auditor
- Exact description of the measure
Measures to create accessibility must be submitted separately as independent applications.
If your application has been approved, you must submit for payment
- if applicable, the signed annex to the notice of approval
- a fully completed instalment request form signed by the authorised representative with details of the bank account, power of attorney if applicable
- invoices (copies) that can be clearly assigned to the funded measure
- Application: all year round / ongoing
Applications should be submitted 10 to 12 weeks prior to the Cinema Funding Commission meeting, depending on the submission deadline. The meeting dates are announced on the FFA website. If the start of the measure is prior to the notice of grant, an application for early start of the measure must be submitted.
- Written submission of the signed application with the required documents: 5 days after submitting the application via the online application management system
- Calling of the subsidies: within 6 months after receipt of the notice of approval.
The term of the loan depends on the loan amount. The maximum term is 10 years.
- Four commission meetings are held per year, with the submission deadline approximately 10 to 12 weeks before the meeting. The decisions are sent out after the meeting.
Applications for advice to cinemas, funding of short film programmes or media education support are approved on an ongoing basis, irrespective of the meetings. It is recommended that the application be submitted to the FFA at least 6 weeks before the contract is awarded.
- opposition
administrative claim
- Forms: yes
- Online procedure possible: yes
- Written form necessary: yes
Personal appearance: no
You must submit the application online and in writing to the German Federal Film Board (FFA).
- Arrange a personal or telephone consultation with the FFA in advance. During this meeting, you will receive important information about the requirements and application process. You will also have the opportunity to clarify any open questions.
- Submit your application online. Fill out the application electronically. Print it out and sign it. Send the application and all documents to the FFA by post.
- Your application will be processed and reviewed by the FFA's funding department.
- Your application will be submitted to the Commission for Cinema Funding.
- The Commission decides whether to approve or reject the application.
- You will be notified of the decision by mail in the form of a notice of approval or rejection.
- Depending on the amount of funding, the funding will be paid in one or 4 instalments according to the percentage shown in the notice of approval.
- After completion of the measure, you must submit all invoices and a factual report to the FFA for verification.
The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM)
- Kinoprojektförderung Gewährung
Remark: Anzeige der Leistung im Ursprungsportal
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.