Benefits for social participation in statutory accident insurance
If your equal social participation is at risk as a result of an accident at work or on the way to work or a recognized occupational disease, you can receive benefits for social participation.
Such a risk exists if the physical, mental or sensory impairments caused by the accident or occupational disease impair your previous participation.
The aim of social participation benefits is to promote your self-determined participation at an early stage and by all appropriate means so that you can lead as independent, autonomous and responsible a social life as possible.
Social participation services include services for family, leisure, culture, sports and recreation, communication, housing and mobility.
You select suitable and necessary measures together with your employers' liability insurance association or accident insurance fund.
When selecting your benefit, particular consideration will be given to your personal life situation, your age and gender, your family circumstances, your religious and ideological needs, and, in the case of mothers, fathers and children with disabilities, their special needs.
Social participation benefits are usually provided as benefits in kind. In exceptional cases, they can be provided as a cash benefit in the form of a personal budget. The aim of the personal budget is to promote your self-determination.
- Your equal social participation is restricted due to an occupational or commuting accident or a recognized occupational disease.
- However, the prerequisites for social participation benefits depend on the respective type of benefit.
- If you have specific questions about individual benefits here, please contact your responsible employers' liability insurance association or accident insurance fund.
- Social participation benefits are automatically determined by the authorities after an accident at work or on the way to work or an occupational disease and are provided ex officio.
- You do not need to submit any documents.
There are no costs involved.
There is no deadline.
- Appeal
- Detailed information on how to lodge an appeal can be found in the notification from your employers' liability insurance association or accident insurance fund.
Forms available: No
Written form required: No
Informal application possible: Yes
Personal appearance required: No
Online services available: Yes
Social participation benefits are automatically determined and provided as soon as there are indications that participation in social life is or will be endangered or restricted. No application is necessary.
This is often done as part of the rehabilitation management process. Your employers' liability insurance association or accident insurance fund will hold a personal discussion with you in order to be able to identify and correctly assess your individual needs in a timely and comprehensive manner.
You can also contact your Berufsgenossenschaft or Unfallkasse online or by mail.
Online service:
- Call up the online service.
- You will be guided through the process on the accident insurance service portal.
You can log in.
- If you would like to receive the response from your employers' liability insurance association or accident insurance fund in the mailbox of your BundID account or My Company Account, you must have an account and authenticate yourself.
- If you would like to receive the response by mail, you can also proceed without logging in.
- Select your responsible employers' liability insurance association or accident insurance fund or determine it using the industry search.
- Upload the required documents.
- Fill out the online form and submit it.
- Your report will automatically be forwarded to your employers' liability insurance association or accident insurance fund.
- You will receive a response via the requested channel.
Online service of your employers' liability insurance association or accident insurance fund:
- If you have access to the portal of your employers' liability insurance association or accident insurance fund, you can also submit the notification electronically there, if necessary.
Message by mail:
- Contact your employers' liability insurance association or accident insurance fund with an informal letter.
- Make sure you provide the required information and enclose the necessary documents.
Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS)
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.