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citizen service


You enter your place of residence or the place where you want to contact the administration or use the location sensing.

Enter words here that describe what you are looking for (e.B. cut a tree) or a matter for citizens and companies (e.B. house construction, marriage).
Source: BUS Sachsen-Anhalt (Linie6Plus)

Take advantage of debt counseling


Debt counseling will help you if you find yourself in a financial emergency and can no longer get out of the situation on your own.
These financial emergencies can be

  • existing debts, but also
  • impending debts, for example if payment obligations have already not been met or upcoming payment obligations cannot be met.

The debt advice centers offer you the opportunity to

  • financial,
  • psychosocial and
  • legal advice.

Debt counseling supports you in reducing the effects of over-indebtedness and creating financial leeway. The aim is for you to be able to pay your rent, energy costs and living expenses independently again.

  • First of all, the debt counselor will get a complete overview of your current debt situation.
  • You then draw up a plan together.

The offer also includes support in taking the necessary steps and coming to terms with the situation.
Debt counseling also supports you with

  • legal issues
  • Negotiations with creditors
  • Preparation of insolvency proceedings
  • Applying for personal insolvency.
  • For debt counseling at a public or private institution:
    • You already have debts or you are facing a financial emergency.
  • For debt counseling at the job center:
    • You are being looked after by the Jobcenter,
    • receive citizen's allowance and
    • do not receive unemployment benefit (ALG I).
    • The relevant Jobcenter can check other requirements.

Job center or debt counseling center

There are several ways to make use of debt counseling.

Both municipal advice centres and private or non-profit organizations offer debt counselling.

  • You make an appointment with the debt counseling center of your choice.
  • If the advice center has free appointments, you can go there for debt advice.

Alternatively, you can apply for debt counseling through the Jobcenter.

  • The responsible integration officer will check whether the necessary requirements have been met.
  • Together with the responsible integration worker, you will discuss the counseling center in question and the scope of the counseling.
  • You can then attend debt counseling at the respective counseling center. Alternatively, this debt counseling could also be provided by the Jobcenter itself.

Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS)

The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

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