Apply for funding for the program "Measures to support universities in cross-border networking and applications to strengthen innovative capacity in the European Research Area (FH-Europe)"
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) uses the "FH-Europa" measure to fund projects at universities of applied sciences in order to enable them to expand and strengthen their networks at European level and to establish their research priorities in the scientific community on a sustainable and long-term basis.
As a researcher at a university of applied sciences, you can receive funding for eligible project-related costs on your own or together with another university of applied sciences. Funding is available for the costs you incur in preparing your application for a call in one of the European research funding programs.
There is a prospect of funding for your project,
- for the preparation of research proposals that can be submitted to the European Commission by 31.12.2027
- if your research proposals are aimed at calls for proposals and supplementary programs of "Horizon Europe" in which universities of applied sciences and universities of applied sciences are eligible to apply.
- if the measures you have in mind are intended to support the preparation of research proposals for other European, multinational research funding programs such as "Green Deal" or "EUREKA".
Furthermore, there is a prospect of funding for your project
- to establish and consolidate networks with potential project partnerships from other European countries and for research exchanges in other EU countries (for international doctorates)
Type and scope, amount of the grant:
- Grants are awarded to you by way of project funding as non-repayable subsidies.
- The basis of assessment is the eligible project-related expenditure (full funding) of your project.
- As a rule, the funding volume applied for for your project should not exceed EUR 75,000.
- The BMBF will not grant a project lump sum for your project.
- The duration of your funded project is a maximum of 12 months
- The project duration of your project regularly ends with the submission of the application to be prepared.
- If additional work on network-building measures is carried out in your project, your project term ends when these measures end.
- Your project must be completed by 31.12.2027 at the latest.
- A maximum of 2 concurrent "FH-Europa" projects are permitted at your university of applied sciences.
- The funds for the formation and continuation of networks with potential projects are not tied to the selected calls or their submission deadlines.
The BMBF will recognize such activities as eligible for funding,
- are geared towards submitting an application to the current Horizon Europe calls and supplementary programs and
- demonstrably serve to network with potential European project partnerships and provide added value for your universities of applied sciences with regard to a joint submission of an application to the European Commission or
- are preparing an application for one of the above-mentioned European multinational research funding programs.
The following are eligible for funding as part of direct application support
- Discussions and meetings with representatives of the National Contact Points (NCPs) and other advisory bodies (e.g. at the EU Commission) for the preparation of applications,
- Research to determine the state of the art in science and technology,
- Travel to agree and coordinate a project idea or to prepare applications with other partners, including international partners; holding networking meetings,
- Preliminary research and development work to validate solution approaches or to prepare a project outline,
- Personnel for the preparation of applications,
- Teaching substitutes for project-leading professors at universities of applied sciences/universities of applied sciences.
In addition to pure application support, the following activities are eligible for funding:
- Networking existing research priorities, for example with the aim of giving them a European orientation
- Measures that improve the expansion and interdisciplinary exchange of experience in the networks of universities of applied sciences, for example by establishing research groups
- Measures to make universities of applied sciences more visible and present as potential partners in (EU) applications, for example by establishing regional cooperation and networks with companies and practice partnerships, participating in partnering activities and portals or exchanging researchers
- High-profile measures that promote the visibility of the university of applied sciences in Europe, for example networking at international events and specialist congresses or organizing and holding events at the university of applied sciences
- Travel by staff involved in the project to potential project or network partnerships or stays at potential project and network partnerships
- Teaching substitutes for professors of the university of applied sciences involved in the project
- Personnel for the implementation and organization of the planned activities
You cannot receive funding for
- Expenses for basic equipment,
- infrastructure services or
- Contracts with service providers to support the preparation of scientific or administrative parts of the application,
- travel expenses for teaching substitutes
There is no entitlement to the grant. Rather, the granting authority decides on the basis of its dutiful discretion within the framework of the available budget funds.
Eligible applicants are
all state-recognized universities of applied sciences and universities of applied sciences, as well as
- the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University
- Geisenheim University of Applied Sciences
- the Berufsakademie Sachsen,
- the Duale Hochschule Thüringen and
- the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
Funding requirements in detail:
- Your funding application must have a concrete reference to the criteria of these guidelines and contain all essential statements for the assessment and evaluation of the appropriateness of the grant.
- If your funding application does not meet the listed requirements, it will not be considered in the further procedure. It is recommended that you contact the project management organization when preparing your funding application.
As the applicant, you must make it clear that the measures applied for
- are directly related to the establishment and maintenance of project-relevant contacts in other European countries: for example, through the suitability of the partner institute visited to one of the research priorities of the applicant universities of applied sciences, through thematic suitability to the research priority of the applicant universities of applied sciences, for example in the case of conference visits,
- represent added value with regard to a potential application, for example to "Horizon Europe" or other EU funding programs such as "Green Deal" and "EUREKA".
Furthermore, only those activities for the preparation of applications for which it has already been established are funded within the meaning of this guideline,
- that there is a suitable thematic focus with calls that will also be announced in the foreseeable future in "Horizon Europe" or in another European research funding program such as "Green Deal" and "EUREKA" (with a submission deadline until 2027) and
- it is therefore known to which currently announced calls you intend to submit an application and
- that this call fits the research profile or research focus of your university of applied sciences/university of applied sciences
- what your application topic is and which research question you would like to work on at European level.
Special funding requirements:
- Your project is located in the non-economic sector. In the case of universities, this includes the primary task of teaching and studies as well as (basic) research including the promotion of young researchers and the transfer of knowledge accessible according to general rules in accordance with the Higher Education Acts
applies to collaborative projects (joint application from several universities of applied sciences):
- You and the partner institute of your collaborative project regulate your cooperation in a written cooperation agreement.
- Collaborative partner institutes that are research institutions within the meaning of Article 2 (point 83) of the GBER must ensure that no indirect aid is granted to companies within the framework of the collaboration.
- To this end, the provisions of point 2.2 of the Commission communication on the Union framework for State aid for research, development and innovation (Official Journal C 198 of 27.6.2014, page 1) must be observed. Prior to the funding decision on a collaborative project, a basic agreement on further criteria specified by the BMBF must be demonstrated (see BMBF form number 0110)
For the single-stage procedure; project application with the following information:
Your funding application must not exceed 10 pages, plus title page and attachments (Arial font, font size at least 11, line spacing at least single, margins at least 2 centimeters). The format template provided on the project management organization's website must be used.
In addition to a meaningful project title and a catchy short title, your funding application must include the following points:
Cover sheet
- Meaningful short description of the project and acronym
- Brief information on the project
Description of the main topic
- the planned EU application in "Horizon Europe" or in another European research funding program such as "Green Deal" and "EUREKA" with specific reference to the selected call and the submission deadlines and
- the planned network-building measures with reference to potential calls in "Horizon Europe" or complementary programs
Research competence of the university of applied sciences or university of applied sciences and the project management
- previous research carried out in this thematic area at the applicant university of applied sciences/university of applied sciences
- National or international third-party funding experience of the project management, if applicable, previous participation in the EU research framework programs (applications, approved projects)
Research question to be addressed at European level and objectives of the application
- Brief description of the planned work in the intended EU project, description of the planned consortium
planned steps for preparing the EU application or the planned networking activities
- Work, time and resource planning (including delimitation of any already established networking activities),
- Presentation of the expected added value of the planned activities
Strategy of the university of applied sciences with regard to participation in European research projects
- Consideration of the specific possibilities and framework conditions of the university of applied sciences or university of applied sciences, focus on key topics,
- Participation in certain funding formats,
- existing or planned structures at the university of applied sciences/university of applied sciences,
- advisory/support structures to be used (at the university of applied sciences and beyond)
- Necessity of the grant
The following documents may be attached to your project description:
- Expressions of interest from the partnerships intended for an (EU) application
- If you are applying directly for the preparation of an EU application for the second EU procedural stage, the (EU) application already submitted for the first procedural stage can be attached to the annex.
- In the case of an exchange of researchers, a confirmation from the host institution must be attached to the application.
- No other attachments are permitted.
There are no costs.
There is no fixed deadline for submitting your applications.
In this procedure, you can submit your applications in electronic form via the "easy-Online" internet portal continuously from the publication of this guideline until June 30, 2027 in accordance with the instructions provided there.
- Administrative court action
The application procedure for funding to support universities in cross-border networking and applications to strengthen innovative capacity in the European Research Area (FH-Europe) has one stage.
Application and assessment
- Download and complete the format template provided on the website of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. It is essential that you use it.
- Your funding application must make specific reference to the criteria of the funding guideline and contain all essential statements for assessing and evaluating the appropriateness of the grant.
- If your funding application does not meet the listed requirements, your application will not be considered.
- It is recommended that you contact the project management organization when preparing your funding application.
- In the case of joint applications (collaborative projects), you and each of the participating universities of applied sciences must submit a separate application and prepare a separate, individual technical section.
- In the case of collaborative projects, your funding applications must be submitted in consultation with your designated collaborative coordinator.
- Due to the funding guidelines, a maximum of 2 simultaneous projects per university of applied sciences are possible.
- Before submitting your funding application, please check whether your application meets all the requirements of the funding guidelines and fulfills the specifications of the project management agency.
- If you have any questions, please contact the project management organization directly.
Please submit your application for funding to support universities in cross-border networking and applications to strengthen innovative capacity in the European Research Area (FH-Europa) as follows:
- As FH-Europa is a continuous measure, you may submit your applications at any time until June 30, 2027 in electronic form via the "easy-Online" internet portal in accordance with the instructions provided there.
- Go to the "easy-Online" internet portal. There you will be guided step by step through the application process.
- Complete all the fields required for the application and submit it with a qualified electronic signature.
- If you do not have a qualified electronic signature, you must print out the application in addition to submitting it electronically, sign it and send it to the project management organization together with the other application documents in the next step.
- Once the project management organization has received the application, you will receive a confirmation of receipt.
The applications received will be evaluated and reviewed by an internal panel of experts according to the following criteria:
- Fulfillment of the funding requirements in detail as well as the competencies of the project leader
- Suitability of the planned (EU) application for the selected (EU) call and the resulting opportunities for the planned (EU) application
- Quality of the work, time and resource plan presented
- Contribution to strengthening networking and the research profile of the university of applied sciences
- The result of the review will be submitted to the BMBF.
- The BMBF will decide whether your application will be selected for funding.
- If your application is selected, the project management organization will contact you to discuss the next steps.
- The responsible administrator at the project management organization will contact you during the processing of your application to clarify any queries.
- Once all questions have been clarified and your funding application has been processed, your application will be submitted to the BMBF for approval.
- In the event of a positive decision, you will receive a grant notification by post.
There are no indications or special features.
- Richtlinien zur Förderung zur Unterstützung von Hochschulen bei der grenzüberschreitenden Vernetzung und Antragstellung zur Stärkung der Innovationsfähigkeit im Europäischen Forschungs-raum (FH-Europa), Bundesanzeiger vom 11.09.2020.
- Artikel 91b Grundgesetz (GG)
- § 23 Bundeshaushaltsordnungen (BHO)
- § 44 Bundeshaushaltsordnung (BHO)
- Richtlinie für Zuwendungsanträge auf Ausgabenbasis (AZA) des BMBF
- § 48 Verwaltungsverfahrensgesetz (VwVfG)
- § 49 Verwaltungsverfahrensgesetz (VwVfG)
- § 49a Verwaltungsverfahrensgesetz (VwVfG)
- § 91 Bundeshaushaltsordnung (BHO)
- Artikel 1 § 1 Absatz 2 Gesetz zur Neustrukturierung der Hochschul-region Lausitz
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
Start your request directly online:
40468 Düsseldorf, Stadt
53175 Bonn, Stadt