Requesting access to files under the Freedom of Information Act
The Saxony-Anhalt Information Access Act grants anyone unconditional access to official information held by the authorities of the state, the municipalities and associations of municipalities as well as other bodies, institutions and foundations under public law subject to the supervision of the state. Other bodies and institutions of the federal state are subject to the Act insofar as they perform administrative tasks.
Applications can generally be submitted informally. If the request concerns third-party data, it must be justified.
Administrative costs are charged for the implementation of the law. The amount depends on the administrative costs. Simple information is free of charge.
Objections and actions to compel are admissible, and the data subject can also turn to the Saxony-Anhalt State Commissioner for Freedom of Information as a mediator.
The request must be addressed to the public body that holds the requested information.
The State Commissioner for Freedom of Information provides advice in connection with the application. He can also inspect files, ask the authorities for a statement, mediate, work towards a proper procedure in the event of violations and, if necessary, object to violations.
The Access to Information Act contains several exceptional cases in which access to information can be denied or restricted under certain circumstances (e.g. personal data of third parties, trade and business secrets).
In cases of doubt, the applicant should seek advice from the competent authority or the State Commissioner for Freedom of Information.
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