Apply for designation as an examination body for sewage sludge examinations in waste management
If you wish to carry out analyses in accordance with the Sewage Sludge Ordinance, you must apply to the competent authority to designate you as an analysis center. The designation applies to the whole of Germany.
- The requirements of the Waste module of the administrative agreement on the proof of competence and the designation of testing laboratories and measuring bodies (inspection bodies) in the environmental sector regulated by waste legislation have been met.
- You have submitted the application in the country in which you have your head office. If this is abroad, please submit the application in the country in which you primarily wish to carry out this activity.
- Proof of compliance with the requirements of the Waste module of the administrative agreement on the proof of competence and notification of testing laboratories and measuring bodies (inspection bodies) in the environmental sector regulated by waste legislation
Further documents may have to be submitted after consultation with the competent authority. If you operate nationwide, the authority may require you to submit a valid accreditation confirming compliance with the requirements of DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 (August 2005 edition), which relates to the parameters and test methods in accordance with Annex 2 of the Ordinance on the Utilization of Sewage Sludge, Sewage Sludge Mixture and Sewage Sludge Compost (Sewage Sludge Ordinance - AbfKlärV).
Administration Fee: 60,00 - 1500,00 EURPayment in advance: no
You must apply for the appointment of an inspection body before you start work.
The examination of the application for the designation of an inspection body must be completed within 3 months.
The period begins upon receipt of the complete documentation. It may be reasonably extended once if this is justified due to the difficulty of the matter. The extension of the deadline must be justified and communicated in good time.
Contact the State Office for Environmental Protection.
Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)
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06116 Halle (Saale), Stadt