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Source: BUS Sachsen-Anhalt (Linie6PLus)

Applying for recognition of an asbestos competence course


If you wish to offer a course for one or more activities with asbestos subject to competence, you must have the course recognised by the competent authority.

These can also be trade-specific courses.

Recognition may be limited in time by the competent authority.

  • The course concept meets the requirements of the Hazardous Substances Ordinance, in particular § 8 paragraph 8 in conjunction with Annex I, No. 2.4.2, paragraph 3 (currently valid version).
  • The content and scope of the specialist training course meets the requirements of the technical regulation TRGS 519 on the Hazardous Substances Ordinance (asbestos).

Teaching material or documents on the course concept of the course to be recognised, which include:

  • Course Program
  • Course contents
  • Speakers and their qualifications
  • Timetable with details of the speakers for the teaching unit
  • Proof of the qualifications of the speakers
  • Contents of the presentations as short contributions
  • Information on the teaching material
  • Draft course certificate

These documents should also include examination documents and information on the examination procedure (e.g. examination sheet with evaluation and marking of the correct answers).

Costs: variable from 100 to 1000 euros

The notification of recognition is accompanied by information on how you can file an objection.

State Office for Environmental Protection

You can submit the recognition of a competence course by e-mail or post to the competent authority. -

  • They shall submit the necessary documents to the competent authority.
  • The competent authority shall examine your dossier and, if necessary, request further information or documents.
  • The competent authority shall grant or refuse recognition.

§8 paragraph 8 in conjunction with Annex I No. 2.4.2 paragraph 3 of the GefStoffV

Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Youth, Family and Senior Citizens of Schleswig-Holstein

The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

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