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Source: BUS Sachsen-Anhalt (Linie6Plus)

Apply for recognition as a consulting engineer with professional qualifications from abroad


The designation Consulting Engineer is regulated in Germany. The professional title is specially protected. This means that you need an entry in the list of consulting engineers if you want to use the title "Consulting Engineer" in Germany.  

They can also apply on the labour market and carry out the activities of an engineer without being entered in the corresponding list of consulting engineers. However, they may not then use the legally protected professional title "Consulting Engineer" and "Consulting Engineer".

Even if you have obtained a degree abroad, you can apply for entry in the list of consulting engineers in Germany. This will be arranged by the responsible Chamber of Engineers after examination of your documents.

The competent Chamber of Engineers compares your professional qualification as an engineer from abroad with the professional qualification in the selected federal state. The procedure is called: equivalence determination.

  • Recognition of your professional qualification as an engineer in Germany
  • You must be entitled to use the professional title "Ingenieurin" and "Ingenieur".
  • You must carry out your engineering activities independently and on your own responsibility.
  • You must have taken out professional indemnity insurance.

In order to use the professional title "Consulting Engineer" or "Consulting Engineer", you must meet further requirements. You may need to prove these requirements at a later date:

  • Your branch or main residence must be in the respective federal state or your predominant work must take place there. Or: You want to live or work in the federal state soon.
  • Personal suitability: You are reliable for work as a consulting engineer and have no criminal record.
  • Proof of entitlement to use the professional title "Ingenieurin" or "Ingenieur"
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Proof of identity (identity card or passport)
  • Proof of your professional qualification (e.g. certificates, professional certificate)
  • Proof of the content and duration of your training (e.g. Diploma Supplement, Transcript of Records)
  • Certificates of further training and certificates of professional practice
  • Additional evidence of professional experience and other evidence of formal qualifications
  • Certificate of establishment or registration certificate of residence in the respective federal state
  • If applicable: proof of your personal suitability (e.g. certificate of good conduct, extract from the criminal record, Certificate of Good Standing)
  • Perhaps: Certificate evaluation of the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB)

If your documents are not available in German, you must submit German translations of your documents. The translations must be made by translators who are publicly appointed or authorised.

The costs are regulated in the respective contribution regulations of the chambers of engineers.

There is no deadline.

  • Contradiction
  • Further information on how to file an objection can be found in the notification of your application
  • Action before the Administrative Court

Saxony-Anhalt Chamber of Engineers

The application for entry in the list of consulting engineers must be submitted to the respective Chamber of Engineers.

  • First, submit your application and the required documents to the Chamber of Engineers of the federal state in which you would like to work.
  • If necessary, you will be asked to follow up on missing documents.
  • If your professional qualification as an engineer is recognised and you meet the other requirements, you will be registered in the Chamber of Engineers. Then you can use the title "Consulting Engineer" or "Consulting Engineer" in Germany. You will receive a notification for this.

If you do not meet the requirements for entry in the list of consulting engineers, you will be informed of the reasons.

Ministry of Economic Affairs, Tourism, Agriculture and Forestry of Saxony-Anhalt

Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB)

The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

Ingenieurkammer Sachsen-Anhalt
Hegelstraße 23
39104 Magdeburg, Landeshauptstadt
0391 628890
0391 6288999

Monday 09:00 - 12:00

Tuesday 09:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Wednesday 09:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Thursday 09:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Friday 09:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Fees: yes
elevator available, wheelchair-accessible