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Apply for a loan with a repayment subsidy for energy-efficient refurbishment of commercial buildings


The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) promotes measures to increase energy efficiency.
You can receive a loan of up to EUR 25 million for the following measures:

  • energy refurbishment of commercial buildings in accordance with the requirements of the Energy Saving Ordinance (EnEV).

You will also receive funding for measures to prepare, implement and commission the subsidised measure, such as ancillary work or planning costs.

You will not receive any funding

  • if you do not use the building exclusively for commercial purposes (for example, you also live there),
  • if you rent or lease the building for residential use,
  • for holiday homes and holiday apartments,
  • for commercial buildings used mainly for agricultural purposes,
  • for the costs of a heat generator based on the energy source oil,
  • if you have already started the measure before applying.

There is a benchmark for energy-efficient buildings, the KfW efficiency building standard. The lower the number, the more efficient your building is and the less energy you need. The following standards are eligible for funding:

  • KfW Efficiency Building 70,
  • KfW efficiency building 55,
  • KfW efficiency building for listed buildings.

The amount of the repayment subsidy depends on the KfW Efficiency Building standard of your measure:

  • KfW Efficiency Building 70: You receive a repayment subsidy of 27.5 percent of the loan amount. You can receive a maximum repayment subsidy of EUR 275 for each square metre of renovated net floor area.

  • KfW Efficiency Building 50: You receive a repayment subsidy of 20 percent of the loan amount. You can receive a maximum repayment subsidy of EUR 200 for each square metre of renovated net floor area.

  • KfW Efficiency Building Monument: You will receive a repayment subsidy of 17.5 percent of the loan amount. You can receive a maximum repayment subsidy of EUR 175 for each square metre of renovated net floor area.

You will only receive the repayment subsidy once you have completed your measure and provided KfW with proof that it has been carried out. To do this you must prove

  • that you have used the money for the measure applied for,
  • that you have achieved the KfW efficiency building standard.

You must keep all invoices and receipts relating to the eligible costs.

Applications for funding are processed by the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW).

You are not entitled to the grant.

Applications may be submitted by:

  • domestic and foreign commercial enterprises, the majority of which are privately owned
  • freelance professionals, e.g. doctors, tax consultants, architects
  • Companies that provide (energy) services to commercial buildings under a contracting agreement.

Further requirements:

  • You must be creditworthy
  • the building must be used for commercial purposes.
  • Your measure must meet the requirement for the following standards:
    • KfW efficiency building 70
    • KfW efficiency building 100
    • KfW efficiency building listed building

When submitting your application, you must submit:

  • Confirmation of application
  • Declaration on the size of your company
    • Simplified self-declaration for SMEs (KfW form number 600 000 0095) for independent enterprises without links to other enterprises
    • Self-declaration SME (KfW form number 600 000 0196) with information sheet on SME definition
  • If you are applying for funding with de minimis support, the following information is also required:
    • Annex "De-minimis" declaration by the applicant on "de-minimis" aid already received (KfW form number 600 000 0075)

When you have completed your measure, you must submit the following documents:

  • Confirmation after completion
  • Not applicable
  • Application: before the start of the measure
  • Call period of the loan: within 12 months after loan approval, an extension to a maximum of 36 months is possible.
  • Commitment fee: You do not pay a commitment fee for the first 12 months after approval.
  • Proof of use of funds: within 15 months after full disbursement of the loan
  • for processing the application: usually 3 to 5 days.

You can start implementing the measure immediately after you have been approved for your funding.

  • Forms: yes
  • Online procedure possible: no
  • Written form required: yes
  • Personal appearance required: yes (depends on the procedure at the financing partner)

You can obtain all the necessary documents from your financing partner. The KfW application is submitted by your financing partner.

You must submit your application through a financing partner.

  • Plan your measure with an energy efficiency expert. Find an energy efficiency expert near you on the website of the German Energy Agency (dena).
  • Fill out the application confirmation online - preferably together with your expert.
  • Talk to your financing partner (for example, the bank where you want to take out your financing) about including a subsidised loan. They will advise you on which documents are required and will submit the application to KfW on your behalf.
  • Once KfW has approved your application for funding, you conclude a loan agreement with your financing partner.
  • As soon as the approval for your subsidy has been received, you can begin with the construction work or conclude the purchase contract.
  • Depending on the progress of construction, your financing partner will pay you the loan in one sum or in instalments.
  • When you have completed the measure, you must provide proof to your financing partner,
    • that you have spent the money from the loan on the planned measure and
    • that your measure meets the standard for KfW-efficient buildings.
  • Your financing partner checks and confirms your evidence and forwards it to KfW.
  • If KfW has also checked the evidence, you will receive the repayment subsidy as a credit to your loan account. This reduces your loan term.

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can apply for additional grants from the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) for advice from an energy efficiency expert.

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)

Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW)
Palmengartenstraße 5-9
60325 Frankfurt am Main
+49 800 5399-001
+49 69 74319-500
  • Monday to Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
  • For advice on financing and application:
    Schedule a consultation with a financing partner of your choice.