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Apply for a loan with a repayment subsidy for the new construction or purchase of energy-efficient non-residential buildings in the municipal and social infrastructure sector


The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) promotes measures to increase energy efficiency.

You can receive a loan of up to EUR 25 million for the following measures:

  • New construction or purchase of energy-efficient non-residential buildings of municipal and social infrastructure that meet the requirements for a KfW efficiency building,
  • energy-efficient extension of non-residential buildings in the municipal and social infrastructure which do not yet fall within the scope of the Energy Saving Ordinance (EnEV) but which, following the extension, meet the requirements for a KfW Efficiency Building,
  • energy-efficient extension of non-residential buildings of municipal and social infrastructure by more than 50 square metres that meet the requirements for a KfW Efficiency Building.

The funding covers measures for the preparation, implementation and commissioning of the funded measure, such as ancillary work or planning costs.
No funding is available

  • for buildings with an oil-fired heating system,
  • for cash loans and debt rescheduling of projects that have already been completed and financed,
  • if you have already started with the measure before submitting the application.

There is a benchmark for energy-efficient buildings, the KfW efficiency building standard. The lower the number, the more efficient your building is and the less energy you need. The following standards are eligible for funding:

  • KfW Efficiency Building 55,
  • KfW efficiency building 70.

If you carry out your measure in accordance with the KfW Efficiency Building 55 standard, you can receive a repayment subsidy of 5 percent of the loan amount. You can receive a maximum repayment subsidy of EUR 50 for each square metre of renovated net floor area.

If you carry out your measure in accordance with the KfW Efficiency Building 70 standard, you will not receive a repayment grant.

You will only receive the repayment subsidy once you have completed your measure and provided KfW with proof that it has been carried out. To do this you must prove

  • that you have used the money for the measure applied for,
  • that you have achieved the KfW efficiency building standard.

You must keep all invoices and documents relating to the measure.

Applications for funding are processed by the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW).

You are not entitled to the grant.

Applications may be submitted by:

  • local authorities
  • legally dependent municipal undertakings of local authorities
  • associations of local authorities
  • special-purpose associations that can be treated like municipal territorial authorities

Further requirements:

  • You must provide evidence of the collateral required for municipal loans.
  • Your measure must meet the requirements of the following standards:
    • KfW efficiency building 55
    • KfW efficiency building 70
  • You must plan your measure with an energy efficiency expert. This expert must meet the requirements of Section 21 of the Energy Saving Ordinance (EnEV).

When submitting your application, you must submit:

  • Identification in accordance with the Money Laundering Act
  • Confirmation of application
  • Summary project description
  • in case of application by municipal associations and special-purpose associations:
    • Wording and publication of the current association meeting
    • Current list of members
    • Overview of existing participations

If you have completed your action, then you must submit the following documents:

  • Confirmation after implementation
  • Not applicable
  • Application: before the start of the measure
  • Call deadline for the loan: within 12 months of the loan commitment, in one sum or in instalments.
  • Evidence of use of funds: within 9 months after full disbursement of the loan.
  • for the processing of the application: usually 3 to 5 working days.

You can start implementing the measure immediately after you have been approved for your grant.

  • Forms: yes
  • Online procedure possible: no
  • Written form required: yes
  • Personal appearance required: no

You must submit the application for funding in writing to the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW).

  • Plan your measure with an energy efficiency expert. This expert must confirm to you before you apply that your measure is
    • meets the minimum technical standards and
    • achieves an energy saving.
  • Fill out the application form. Send the application form together with the other required documents by post to the KfW branch office in Berlin.
  • You must also identify yourself in accordance with the Money Laundering Act. To do this, complete the form "Identification in accordance with the Money Laundering Act" and have it certified by an identifying body. The identifying body forwards the form directly to KfW.
  • KfW will check whether your planned measure meets all the requirements and whether you can provide the necessary collateral. You will then receive a letter from KfW by post with a loan offer.
  • Fill in the declaration of acceptance and send it to KfW by mail or fax.
  • KfW will send you a written confirmation. Fill in the call form and send it to KfW by post or fax. KfW will pay you the loan amount. You start implementing the measure,
  • Once you have completed the measure, you must prove to KfW,
    • that you have spent the money from the loan on the measure and
    • that your measure meets the standard for KfW efficient buildings.
  • You send this evidence to KfW.
  • Once KfW has checked the evidence, you will receive the repayment grant as a credit to your loan account. This reduces your loan term.

Municipalities and non-profit organisations can apply for funding for energy advice from the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA).

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)

Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW)
Palmengartenstraße 5-9
60325 Frankfurt am Main
+49 800 5399-001
+49 69 74319-500
  • Monday to Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
  • For advice on financing and application:
    Schedule a consultation with a financing partner of your choice.