Apply for multiple credit for more than one compulsory job for the employment of severely disabled persons
As an employer with at least 20 workplaces, you must fill 5 percent of your workplaces with severely disabled employees or employees with an equivalent status (mandatory workplaces).
If you as an employer employ a severely disabled person or a person with an equivalent disability, this person can be credited with more than 1 compulsory job, up to a maximum of 3 compulsory jobs, upon application. The prerequisite is that their participation in working life encounters particular difficulties.
If you train a severely disabled person or a person with an equivalent disability in your company, this person is counted towards 2 compulsory jobs by law.
If your company takes on or hires a severely disabled person or a person with an equivalent disability following a completed training program, this person will by law be counted towards 2 compulsory jobs in the first year of employment.
To be able to count a person towards more than 1 compulsory job, you must meet the following requirements:
- Your company employs at least 20 employees.
The person is
- severely disabled or
- equal to a severely disabled person.
Multiple crediting is particularly applicable to the employment of people,
- who permanently require a special assistant to perform the employment,
- whose employment is not only temporarily associated with extraordinary expenses for your company,
- who are permanently only able to perform work at a significantly reduced level,
- who have a degree of disability of at least 50 solely as a result of mental or psychological handicap,
- who, due to the nature or severity of the disability, have not completed vocational training within the meaning of the Vocational Training Act,
- whose participation in working life is additionally impeded (for example, due to lack of a fixed abode, drug or criminal background).
- Employment can improve the possibility of participation in working life.
You must specifically state what special difficulties have arisen with respect to obtaining the job. Reasons may include:
- a substantial reduction in performance as a result of the nature and severity of the disability in the workplace
- disability-related limitations cannot be compensated by the use of (technical) work aids
- substantial restriction in the field of activity or application
- substantially higher control or support expenditure
- special difficulties inherent in the person, such as criminal record, addiction disease
- Proof of status as a severely disabled person or equal status, e.g. by means of a copy of the severely disabled person's ID card.
- Concrete justification by the employer as to which particular difficulties exist with regard to obtaining the job.
- For detailed information on how to file an appeal, please refer to the decision on your application.
The responsible agency is the employment agency in whose district the registered office of your company is located.
You can find the office of the Federal Employment Agency that is responsible for you using the office finder on the website of the Federal Employment Agency.
Forms available: Yes
Written form required: No
Informal application possible: Yes
Personal appearance required: No
Online services available: No
You can submit an informal application for multiple crediting.
- Please submit your application to the employment agency responsible for your area.
- In order to be able to check the eligibility requirements, you will receive a form after submitting your application, with which the necessary facts will be collected.
- The Employment Agency will review your application.
- You will receive a written decision as to whether your application has been approved or rejected.
- If you train a severely disabled person or a disabled person with equal rights in your company, the compulsory job is automatically counted twice. You do not need to submit an application for this.
Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS)