Apply for export license plates
Do you want to transfer your vehicle abroad for permanent residence?
To do this, you need an international registration with an export license plate.
You will receive this export registration for a maximum of one year.
Note: If you have received an export license plate, you are liable to pay tax for the period of validity (at least one month). If you do not have a domestic bank account, ask your registration authority about the procedure for paying vehicle tax.
The prerequisites for registering the vehicle are
- You must not have any overdue fees and expenses from previous registration processes. If you have overdue payments of more than 30 euros, the registration authority may not register your vehicle until you have paid them. If the arrears are less than 30 euros, the registration authority can decide whether or not to register the vehicle.
- You must not have vehicle tax debts of five euros or more. Late payment penalties, interest and late payment penalties are also taken into account when calculating the amount.
- If someone is to represent you when registering your vehicle, you must give this person written authorization. This must also contain a declaration of consent that the registration authority may inform the authorized person about overdue fees and expenses. Your representative must present the power of attorney and identify themselves.
- The vehicle must have valid proof of the main inspection (HU). If the due date of the main inspection is before the expiry of the export permit, you must submit the inspection report from an officially recognized inspection organization on the new main inspection.
- valid identity card or passport
- by proxy: additionally
- written power of attorney
- Declaration of consent that the vehicle tax circumstances or outstanding fees may be disclosed.
- Valid identity card or passport of the authorized person
- for minors: additional declaration of consent and identification documents of the legal guardian
- for legal entities/companies:
- Extract from the commercial register or
- business registration or
- extract from the register of associations
- Declaration on the collection of vehicle tax (SEPA direct debit mandate)
- Registration certificate part I (formerly vehicle registration certificate)
- Registration certificate part II (formerly vehicle registration document, if applicable a deregistration confirmation issued before October 1, 2005)
- Insurance confirmation for export vehicles
- Proof of a valid general inspection (HU) if the vehicle is older than three years or was previously registered as a rental vehicle, cab or similar for the entire term of the export registration. By means of the last general inspection report or according to the entry in the registration certificate part 1.
- For registered vehicles: additional license plate number
Note: Severely disabled persons with the "H", "BI" or "aG" mark on their severely disabled person's pass continue to be exempt from motor vehicle tax.They do not have to issue a direct debit authorization.
Note: You can obtain the insurance confirmation for your motor vehicle liability insurance from the insurance company of your choice. You can usually request this by telephone. The insurance company will be notified automatically.
Fees according to administrative costs: from EUR 31.40
Note: There are additional costs for the license plates.
The registration authority responsible for your place of residence. Jurisdiction depends on the place of residence of the vehicle owner, whereby the main residence according to the identity card is decisive.
In the case of legal entities, it is the registered office of the main branch or the registered office of the branch office
You or your representative must apply for the allocation of an export license plate at the responsible registration authority. Depending on the services offered by your registration authority, you may be able to download a form or use an online service via the Internet.
The registration authority may require you to present the vehicle.
If the vehicle was previously registered, the registration authority will cancel the previous license plates. You will then receive the export license plate for the duration of the liability insurance, for a maximum of one year.
Tip: You can obtain the license plates from private providers. You will usually find these near the registration authority.
The Federal Customs Administration has been responsible for the taxation of motor vehicles since February 2014.Information and forms on the subject of "Motor vehicle tax" can be found on the Customs Administration website.
Ministry of Transport Baden-Württemberg
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.