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Source: BUS Sachsen-Anhalt (Linie6Plus)

Applying for recognition of teaching qualifications from abroad


If you would like to work as a teacher in Saxony-Anhalt, you will need a teaching qualification.

Your professional qualification from abroad can be recognized for this. You must first apply for recognition of your qualification.

  • Successful completion of a teacher training course in at least one subject (or: 1st state examination for at least one subject)
  • Successful completion of a pedagogical practical training part in the preparatory service (or: 2nd state examination)
  • German language skills
  • Personal and health aptitude
  • Application form
  • Identity card or passport
  • Marriage certificate, if applicable
  • curriculum vitae
  • Proof of your professional qualifications and experience in the original language and a sworn translation
  • Proof that you are authorized to work as a teacher in your country of origin
  • Possibly proof of further professional training, seminars
  • Documents that credibly demonstrate your intention to work as a teacher in Saxony-Anhalt

Note: Do not send originals. Submit certified copies.

Teaching qualification: 200 euros

Career qualification: 300 Euro

You will receive a decision no later than 3 months after your complete application.


Please contact the Landesinstitut für Schulqualität und Lehrerbildung Sachsen-Anhalt (LISA), Landesprüfungsamt für Lehrämter.

You submit an application for recognition of your foreign teaching qualification to the competent authority. This office will check whether your foreign qualification corresponds to the German qualification for a teaching profession established in the state of Saxony-Anhalt.

This check is based on defined formal criteria, such as the content and duration of the training. Your relevant professional experience and other relevant qualifications will also be taken into account.

After the examination, the responsible body will inform you whether

  • recognition will be granted,
  • there are deficits in the qualification and compensatory measures are therefore necessary before recognition, or
  • recognition cannot be granted.

Ministry of Education

The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

Ministerium für Bildung
Turmschanzenstraße 32
39114 Magdeburg, Landeshauptstadt
+49 391 567-7777