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Enter words here that describe what you are looking for (e.B. cut a tree) or a matter for citizens and companies (e.B. house construction, marriage).
Source: BUS Sachsen-Anhalt (Linie6Plus)

Apply for an extension for electronic institution card (SMC-B) as an institution with employees in health professions


The SMC-B (Security Module Card Type B) is an electronic institution card and electronic institution ID card in one. It enables the health professionals of an institution to access the telematics infrastructure (TI). The TI networks all those involved in the healthcare system and thus enables access to the electronic patient record (EHR), for example, in the future.

There are different SMC-B for different occupational groups. There is an SMC-B for

  • Medical practices, dental practices and psychotherapy practices
  • Nursing, obstetrics and physiotherapy facilities
  • Pharmacies

With this online service, you can apply for an extension of the SMC-B for institutions with employees who are not organized in chambers. These are:

  • Health, health and elderly care facilities
  • Obstetric facilities
  • Physiotherapy facilities

To renew the SMC-B, you must first reapply for the right to carry the card from the Electronic Health Professions Register (eGBR). You then apply for the SMC-B from a trust service provider (VDA). The VDA charges an annual fee that varies from provider to provider.

  • You must provide an authorization to provide services.
  • The employee must have an eHBA.
  • You must pay the administration fee.
  • completed application form
  • Scan or a photo of the proof of your institution (for example, contract, confirmation)
  • IK (Institution Code)Number
  • Number of the old SMCB
  • eHBA (electronic health professional card) number of a member of the company
  • Contradiction

Electronic Health Professions Register (eGBR)

You can renew SMC-B online as a nursing, obstetric or physiotherapy facility:

  • Go to the specialist portal of the Electronic Health Professions Register (eGBR) and fill out the online application
  • Upon receipt of your application, it will be reviewed.
  • The examination costs an administrative fee.
  • After completing the check, you will receive an email with the result of the check and your transaction number.
  • With the transaction number, you can order an SMCB from a trust service provider (VDA) of your choice for a fee.
  • The VDA charges an annual fee that differs from vendor to vendor

Federal Ministry of Health (BMG)

The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

Bezirksregierung Münster - elektronisches Gesundheitsberuferegister (eGBR)
Domplatz 1-3
48143 Reg.-Bez. Münster
+49 251 411-1679