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Apply for federal film funding for the screenplay or treatment of a children's film


As the author of a children's film, you can apply for federal film funding to create a screenplay or treatment. The funding is awarded as part of the cooperation between the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM) and the Kuratorium junger deutscher Film.

The project must not have begun at the time of application.

Children's films are those feature films, documentaries and animated films which, in particular through their themes, attitude and design, are aimed at children up to the age of 12 and are suitable for this group of people.

Funding is available for

  • the creation of a German-language treatment of an original material for a program-length children's film (at least 59 minutes) or
  • the development of a German-language script of artistic quality for a program-filling children's film (at least 59 minutes).

You can receive funding as a grant up to the following amount:

  • for treatments: maximum EUR 8,000
  • for screenplays: maximum EUR 30,000, in a few exceptional cases up to EUR 50,000.

Your project can also be funded in several funding stages in succession, for example, first the screenplay, then the production.

Your children's film project must meet the following requirements to be eligible for funding:

  • German-language screenplay that is expected to be a program-filling children's feature film (at least 59 minutes) or
  • German-language treatment based on an original material for a program-filling children's film,
  • exceptional cinematic quality,
  • A cinema exploitation is to be expected.
  • You have not yet started the project at the time of application and
  • You and the director have your domicile, usual place of residence or center of activity in Germany.

In addition, in the case of an application for treatment funding:

  • You can present at least one filmed screenplay for a program-length feature or documentary film of any genre, which you have written yourself or with a maximum of two other authors.

You cannot apply for funding if you are a public or private broadcaster.

  • Treatment Funding:

    • Link or DVD to a program-length film of a screenplay of yours that has been filmed
    • Synopsis of no more than three pages,
    • Writer's Note explaining why you chose this material,
    • Your biography,
    • details of your professional career and previous works as an author,
    • Statement of copyrights to the material and title
  • Screenplay Grant:

    • Synopsis of the film project, no longer than one DIN A4 page,
    • a brief characterization of the main characters and information on the target audience and exploitation,
    • Treatment
    • elaborated dialogue scene
    • Your biography,
    • information about your professional career and previous works as an author,
    • Declaration of copyrights to material and title
      • alternatively, if you do not have these rights, you must provide evidence of the acquisition of these rights or the option to do so.
  • in case of rejection: none
  • in case of approval: Administrative fee in the amount of 2 percent of the allocated sum. This amount is retained when the grant is paid. The fee is part of the cost of the funded project.

You must submit the application before starting your project.

As a rule, there are 2 submission deadlines per year. The current deadlines can be found on the websites of the Kuratorium junger deutscher Film and the BKM. The date of receipt by the Federal Archive applies.

It takes approximately 12 weeks from the time you submit your application to the time a decision is made on your application.

Contact for content-related questions on the procedure and application:

Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media
Department K 35f
Potsdamer Square 1
10785 Berlin

Screenplay and treatment funding for full-length children's films
Marian Tobsing
Phone: 030 1868143116
Fax: 030 18681543116
E-mail: marian.tobsing@bkm.bund.de

Postal address for submitting applications:

Federal Archive
Film Funding
Finckensteinallee 63
12205 Berlin

Additional e-mail address for submitting applications:

Forms: yes

Online procedure: no

Written form required: yes

Personal appearance required: no

You must submit your funding application in writing and additionally by e-mail:

  • Download the application for the children's film funding section from the website of the Kuratorium junger deutscher Film or the BKM.
  • Fill out the application and compile all required documents.
  • Send the application and documents in 11 copies by mail to the Federal Archive.
  • In addition, send the documents as a PDF file by e-mail to the Kuratorium junger deutscher Film (antrag@kjdf.org) .
  • The selection committee of the BKM and the Kuratorium junger deutscher Film will discuss your application. Based on the vote of the selection committee, the board decides whether your application is approved or rejected.
  • You will then receive a funding agreement or notification that your application has been rejected.

If your application is approved:

  • You will sign a funding agreement with the Kuratorium junger deutscher Film.
  • The funding amount will be paid to you in two installments, the details are regulated in the funding contract.
  • The funded projects will be supervised and checked by a project supervisor from a technical and organizational point of view.
  • Now create the treatment or screenplay.
  • Afterwards, you must prove that you have used the funding for the intended purpose.
  • For treatments:
    • Submit an industry-standard treatment of usually 15 DIN A4 pages to the Kuratorium junger deutscher Film.
    • The Kuratorium junger deutscher Film will then check whether your treatment is suitable as a basis for writing a screenplay that could be funded by the Kuratorium and BKM as part of the children's film funding.
  • For screenplays:
    • Submit the completed screenplay to the Board of Trustees based on the recommendation of the project advisor.
    • The Board of Trustees will approve your screenplay.
    • During filming, you must refer to the funding in the opening credits, closing credits, or both, and include the logo of the Kuratorium junger deutscher Film and the BKM.
    • After filming, you must provide the Board of Trustees with a specimen copy of the film.
    • You grant the Board of Trustees the right to use funded films in the context of a self-promotion, alone or in cooperation with third parties, free of charge.
    • You must comply with the blocking periods that apply in accordance with the Film Funding Act at the time the funding agreement is concluded.

If the Board of Trustees for Young German Film has already rejected funding for your project, you must revise and change it in essential points for a new funding application. You must then describe these changes in your application. As a rule, resubmission is only possible in the Long Film production funding category. The Board of the Curatorship of Young German Film decides on exceptions.

The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media

The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

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