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Source: BUS Sachsen-Anhalt (Linie6Plus)

Alien youth falconry hunting license - apply for a day hunting license for the first time


If you are a foreign national and wish to hunt in Germany, you will need a German falconry hunting license and hunting permit in your name. If you are not yet 18 years old, you can only be issued a foreigner's youth falconry hunting license and foreigner's youth hunting license. If you do not provide proof of a German falconry examination and hunting examination, you can only apply for a day hunting license for foreigners.

  • at least 16 and not yet 18 years old at the time of issue
  • Main residence not in Germany
  • personal reliability
  • physical fitness
  • completed hunting liability insurance
  • Proof of suitability for proper hunting practice
  • Passed falconry examination
  • Consent of the legal guardian
  • ID card
  • Hunting license issued in the last three years by the home country
  • falconry license issued in the last three years by the home country
  • current photograph
  • Proof of statutory hunting liability insurance
  • Consent of the person with custody

The daily hunting license is valid for 14 consecutive days.

The responsibility lies with the lower hunting authority.

Written form required: yes

Informal application possible: no

Personal appearance necessary: no

Online services available: yes

You can submit the application in writing or, if available, online.

If you submit the application in writing, complete it and submit it by post or in person to the competent authority.

The application and the supporting documents to be provided will be checked for completeness and correctness.

If you meet all the requirements, you will be issued with an Alien Youth Falconry Hunting License.

With a youth hunting license, you may only hunt when accompanied by a guardian with hunting experience or an experienced hunting supervisor appointed in writing by your guardian(s).

With a youth hunting license you are not allowed to participate in group hunts.

§ Section 15 (1 - 7) and Section 16 of the Federal Hunting Act (BJagdG)

Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy and Mobility Rhineland-Palatinate

The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

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