Providing information for research statistics
The statistics on research and development are intended to provide a comprehensive picture of the finances and personnel of research institutions. The data from the financial and personnel statistics form the basis
- for financial and economic policy decisions,
- for analyses and comparisons
- and in the calculation of government sector data for national accounts.
For this purpose, the Federal Statistical Office surveys public and publicly funded institutions for science, research and development.
These include
- Federal research institutions,
- State and municipal research institutions,
- scientific libraries and museums (including scientific archives and specialist information centers)
- as well as other publicly funded non-profit organizations for science and research and institutes at universities (so-called AnInstitutes).
The survey provides information on the scope, structure and development of the financial and human resources used to carry out science, research and development.
Every year, the Federal Statistical Office asks R&D institutions for data on
- Income and expenditure by type and scientific discipline,
- the type of institution
- their tasks,
- the proportion of research and development in the total activity of scientific staff.
The survey also includes data on employees by
- gender,
- age,
- scope, duration and type of service or employment contract, salary or pay grade,
- educational qualifications,
- nationality,
- type of employment and scientific fields.
Every 4 years, the Federal Statistical Office also collects data
- on expenditure according to socio-economic research objectives and technology areas,
- by type of research activity
- and on income by funding bodies.
The GENESIS-Online database offers all the results of the R&D statistics in various data formats (xls, xlsx, html and csv).
The Federal Statistical Office collects statistics if and insofar as there is a legal mandate to do so under the above-mentioned legal basis.
Apart from the data requested, no additional documents need to be submitted.
The Federal Statistical Office does not collect or reimburse any costs for research statistics.
Detailed information on how to lodge an objection can be found in your notice of appeal. - Administrative court action
- The Federal Statistical Office contacts the statutory authorities to collect the data. In some cases, the data is also transmitted by the statistical offices of the federal states.
- If your R&D institution is obliged to provide information, your head office will be contacted by post, where the online questionnaires (also for branch offices) will be answered.
- The information required in your case can be found in the letter.
Log in to the survey portal of the Federal and State Statistical Offices. Follow the relevant instructions to use the IDEV online reporting procedure.
- IDEV: Submit the data via electronic online forms. IDEV helps you to reduce your workload.
- Together with the request to report your data, you will usually receive an access code and a password for the IDEV online procedure (Internet data collection in the network). You can use this to report the data.
Alternatively, you can send the data as a data package (XML format) to the common data entry point for official statistics ("CORE"). To do this, you must register once. The Federal Statistical Office evaluates the data, compiles the statistics and publishes them.
- § 2 Absatz 1 Nummer 7 Gesetz über die Statistiken der öffentlichen Finanzen und des Personals im öffentlichen Dienst (Finanz- und Personalstatistikgesetz – FPStatG)
- § 12 Absatz 1 Gesetz über die Statistiken der öffentlichen Finanzen und des Personals im öffentlichen Dienst (Finanz- und Personalstatistikgesetz – FPStatG)
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
- Forschungsstatistiken Erhebung
Remark: Anzeige der Leistung im Ursprungsportal
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