View the location register for genetically modified organisms (public part)
All areas on which GMOs are released for scientific purposes or cultivated for commercial purposes in Germany are registered in the site register for genetically modified organisms.
The site register consists of a public and a non-public part. The public part contains general, freely accessible information on the location and use of these areas. The non-public part also contains personal data such as names and addresses.
You can view the public part of the site register without making an application.
Forms: none
Online procedure possible: yes
Written form required: no
Personal appearance required: no
Inspection of the public part: No request necessary.
The site register contains no entries for 2017.
Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Food
- Standortregister über gentechnisch veränderte Organismen Einsicht gewähren öffentlicher Teil
Remark: Anzeige der Leistung im Ursprungsportal