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Source: BUS Sachsen-Anhalt (Linie6Plus)

Request a pension information


The pension information contains

  • information about the expected amount of your standard old-age pension,
  • a forecast of the pension you will receive if you continue to work,
  • information about the amount of your pension for reduced earning capacity,
  • information on the earliest possible start date for early retirement pensions, including information on pension deductions,
  • details of the widow's or widower's pension your partner will receive if you die,
  • details of contributions paid to date to the statutory pension insurance scheme,
  • among other things, notes and information on the prerequisites for all old-age pensions, on how to apply for a pension, on additional earnings, on the insurance history, on private old-age provision, on taxation, on information and advice options and on health insurance for pensioners,
  • if no account clarification has yet been carried out: information on which periods have not yet been clarified (these are periods of which the pension insurance fund does not know whether they can be taken into account for your later pension),
  • an overview of the saved insurance periods,
  • an overview of which values and factors were used to calculate your personal earning points and your standard retirement pension.

The pension information is not the same as the pension information (often referred to as "Rentenbescheid"), which you receive every year from the age of 27. The pension information provides very comprehensive information about other pension entitlements. As soon as you are 55 years old, you will automatically receive a pension information instead of a pension information every 3 years. However, you can also request the information if you are younger.

  • You are or were insured with the German pension insurance.
  • You have paid contributions to the statutory pension insurance for at least five years.
  • You are not yet drawing a pension from your own insurance.

You do not need any other documents.

There is no deadline.

Online procedure: about 7 days

No appeal is provided.

Forms available: no

Written form required: no

Informal application possible: yes

Personal appearance required: no

Online services available: yes

If you would like to receive pension information by mail:

  • Go to the Deutsche Rentenversicherung website and first click on "Online services" at the top right.
  • Select "Online services without registration" or go directly to "Request insurance documents".
  • In the "Request from..." field, select. "Pension information" and enter the remaining data.
  • Click on "Submit."
  • You will receive your pension information by mail.

If you would like to receive the pension information online:

  • Now go to the Deutsche Rentenversicherung website and click on "Online services" in the upper right-hand corner and then on "Online services with registration."
  • Follow the instructions to access the online services of the German Pension Insurance.
  • Alternatively, you can also request the pension information by phone or in writing from your competent pension insurance institution.

Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS)

The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

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