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You enter your place of residence or the place where you want to contact the administration or use the location sensing.

Enter words here that describe what you are looking for (e.B. cut a tree) or a matter for citizens and companies (e.B. house construction, marriage).
Source: BUS Sachsen-Anhalt (Linie6Plus)

Renewing trade mark protection


The term of protection of a registered trade mark begins on the date of filing and expires 10 years after the end of the month in which the application was originally filed.

You may extend the trade mark protection any number of times, for periods of 10 years at a time.

Each renewal takes effect from the day after the previous term of protection expires. It is entered in the register and published. The renewal may cover all or part of the goods and services. If the term of protection is not renewed, the trade mark right will lapse.

  • If a mark is to be renewed for only part of the registered goods and services, use the form ‘Request for renewal of a trade mark’

Note: If you wish to renew the trade mark for all registered goods and services, all you need to do is pay the fees by the deadline. No application is necessary.

  • Renewal fee (for up to 3 classes): EUR 750.00
  • Renewal fee for each additional class: EUR 260.00
  • Additional fee for delay (for up to 3 classes): EUR 50.00
  • Additional fee for delay for each additional class: EUR 50.00
  • Payment of the renewal fee:
    • due on the last day of the month in which the term of protection expires
    • no earlier than 1 year before the expiry of the term of protection
    • no additional fee before the end of the second month following the due date
    • an additional fee for delay will apply up to the end of the sixth month following the due date, after which time the trade mark right will lapse
  • If the renewal fee is paid after the end of the second month, the additional fee for delay must be paid by the end of the sixth month after the due date at the very latest.

Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt

Zentraler Kundenservice (Central Customer Service)
Tel: +49 892195-1000

80297 Munich
Fax +49 892195-2221
+49 892195-4000

Office hours:
Monday: 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.
Friday: 8.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.

Document receiving service:
Monday to Thursday: 7.30 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.
Friday: 7.30 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.

Jena office
07748 Jena
Fax +49 364140-5690
+49 364140-5800

Office hours:
Monday: 9.00 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.
Friday: 9.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.

Document receiving service:
Monday to Thursday: 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.
Friday: 8.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.

Informations-und Dienstleistungszentrum Berlin (Information and Service Centre)
10958 Berlin
Fax +49 3025992-404

Office hours:
Monday: 7.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.
Friday: 7.30 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.

Document receiving service:
Monday to Thursday: 8.00 a.m. to 3.45 p.m.
Friday: 8.00 a.m. to 2.15 p.m.

Patent Information Centres
Email: info@piznet.de

Forms: Yes
Can I do it online? No
Do I need to do it in writing? Yes, for a partial renewal
Do I need to attend in person? No

What you need to do depends on whether you wish to renew pro-tection of your registered trade mark in full or only in part.

For a full renewal:

  • Transfer the renewal fee by the deadline.
  • No further applications or explanations are necessary.
  • The confirmation of renewal is sent automatically to the ad-dress for service entered in the register. However, if the con-firmation of renewal is to be sent to an additional address please then use the form ‘Request for renewal of a trade mark’.

To renew the trade mark only for part of the registered goods and services, please proceed as follows:

  • Apply for partial renewal of your trade mark and change in the scope of protection with the form ‘Request for renewal of a trade mark’.
  • Transfer the renewal fee by the deadline.
  • The confirmation of renewal is sent automatically to the ad-dress for service entered in the register and, where required, to an additional address as indicated in the application.

German Patent and Trade Mark Office

Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt (DPMA), Dienststelle Jena
07701 Jena
+49 3641 40-5800

Remark: Input on existing design procedures
+49 3641 40-5690

Remark: General inquiries and miscellaneous

Service hours:
Monday to Thursday: 09:00 to 15:30
Friday: 09:00 to 14:00