Applying for the "Fire service technical service, career group 1, second entry level" career qualification from abroad
If you have completed a qualification as a firefighter with a technical apprenticeship abroad, you can have this recognized. With the qualification for the career path "Fire service technical service, career group 2, first entry level", you can be employed as a civil servant.
- A skilled trade or other training occupation suitable for the fire department that has been completed with a journeyman's examination and
- a preparatory service completed with a career examination
- Proof of identity
- Details of your current place of residence
- Tabular list of your completed training courses/professional qualifications and relevant gainful employment
- Training certificates/professional qualifications obtained abroad
- Proof of relevant professional experience or other certificates of competence, if these are or could be required to determine equivalence
- Declaration as to whether and to which body you have already submitted an application for determination of equivalence,
- If applicable, notification of the determination
If further documents are required, the competent body will contact you.
As a rule, all documents must be submitted in German in the original or as a certified copy. If the documents are written in another language, you may also require a translation by a publicly appointed (sworn) translator. Please contact the relevant office.
Up to EUR 600.00.
If recognition is made dependent on the completion of adaptation courses or performance assessments, further costs may be incurred. Information on this can be obtained from the responsible office.
If you do not agree with the decision of the competent authority, you are free to take legal action in accordance with the Administrative Court Code (objection procedure, legal action). The exact details can be found in the respective notices from the responsible office.
Please contact the Ministry of the Interior and Sport.
On the basis of the documents you submit, the competent body will check whether and to what extent your foreign qualification meets the German qualification requirements for the career, for example on the basis of the content and duration of the training, relevant professional experience or other qualifications.
Within 3 months of submitting the complete documents, the competent authority will inform you in writing whether
- recognition will be granted,
- there are deficits in the qualification and therefore compensation measures are necessary before recognition
compensatory measures are necessary or
- recognition cannot be granted.
Ministry of the Interior and Sport
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
39112 Magdeburg, Landeshauptstadt