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Source: BUS Sachsen-Anhalt (Linie6Plus)

Apply for benefits for participation in working life


You can take advantage of benefits for participation in working life if you need support in professional integration or to secure an existing job due to your disability, because

  • your prospects of participating in or re-participating in working life are not only temporarily significantly reduced due to the nature or severity of the disability, or
  • They are threatened with a disability with the same professional consequences.

If you are eligible for support, the general services of the Employment Agency are initially available to you:

  • Mediation budget
  • Measures for activation and occupational integration
  • Vocational preparation training
  • Vocational training in external institutions (BaE)
  • Assisted Training (AsA)
  • Assistance during training
  • Promotion of continuing vocational training
  • Start-up grant

If the general benefits are not sufficient to cover your funding needs, you can receive the following special or supplementary support:

  • rehabilitation-specific vocational preparation training measures
  • Technical and comparable basic training for the blind
  • rehabilitation-specific training measures
  • rehabilitation-specific training measures
  • Individual in-company qualification within the framework of Supported Employment
  • Entrance procedures and vocational training area in workshops for disabled people or with other service providers
  • Budget for training
  • Placement support or professional support by integration specialist services
  • Individual case support such as technical work aids, aids, work assistance
  • other assistance, participation support

The benefits you can receive for participation in working life depend, among other things, on:

  • whether you meet the respective eligibility requirements.
  • whether the respective service is suitable for you and your specific situation in order to
    • improve your chances of successful professional integration or
    • contribute to the safeguarding of your existing job,
  • what your personal inclinations are and how they can be useful in professional life,
  • which activities you want to and can carry out and
  • how the training and labour market is currently developing.

In order for you to receive benefits for participation in working life from the Employment Agency, the following general requirements must be met:

  • You have a disability and the Federal Employment Agency is your responsible rehabilitation provider.
  • Your prospects of participating in or re-participating in working life are not only temporarily significantly reduced due to the nature or severity of your disability.
    • Or: You are threatened with a disability with the same professional consequences.
  • You must contact your employment agency for funding or reimbursement before any expenses are incurred or expenses are incurred.

In addition, you may have to meet special requirements for the respective eligible funding.

When contacting your consultant, please ask which documents you need.

There are no costs for you.

You do not have to meet any deadlines.

Processing usually takes a few weeks.

  • Objection to the Employment Agency which issued the decision
  • Action before the Social Court

Federal Employment Agency

Forms: yes
Online procedure possible: no
Written form required: no
Personal appearance necessary: yes

The consultant will clarify with you in conversation which forms you have to fill out or which documents you have to submit.

In order to receive benefits for participation in working life, you must contact your employment agency:

  • Make an appointment with the Vocational Rehabilitation and Participation team of your Employment Agency.
  • If you do not yet have a personal contact person, please make an appointment using the free telephone number.
  • The Employment Agency checks whether it is responsible for you in your case.
  • If your consultant determines during the consultation that benefits are required to participate in working life, this person will discuss the next steps with you. Your consultant will also discuss with you the forms you need to fill out.
  • You submit the forms and documents.
  • In order to assess your personal suitability, inclination and performance, existing documents are evaluated, other specialist services are called in if necessary or, if necessary, diagnostic measures are carried out.
  • According to your specific needs, it will then be decided which support is suitable for you.

Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

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