Apply for registration in the air sports equipment register for ultra-light sports equipment without a permit
The data of all microlight aircraft, microlight helicopters and gyroplanes registered in Germany are stored in the Air Sports Equipment Register. Only registered microlight aircraft (UL) receive a registration plate.
Aircraft that are not subject to registration do not usually require a registration plate and are therefore not entered in the register of air sports equipment. If you still wish to have a registration plate for your aircraft, you must apply for registration in the register of aircraft.
Air sports equipment without compulsory registration are for example:
- Single or two-seater air sports equipment with a maximum permissible total mass of up to 120 kg including harness and rescue equipment.
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV)
- Note: Not applicable in the future due to the implementation of the European Regulation for the Regulation of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAV). Then UAV do not only have to be marked as before, but are also subject to registration and have to be registered in a database.
In order to obtain an entry or a license plate for your UL, you must either pass a
- a German type certificate or
- an EU type certificate.
The air sports associations commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure are responsible for registering microlight aircraft and microlight helicopters in the air sports equipment register. These are the
- German Aero Club e.V. and
- the German Ultralight Flight Association e.V.
Personal data such as the name and address of the owner as well as technical data such as the
- type and model of the aircraft as well as the serial number of the airframe,
- nationality and registration number of the aircraft and
- the number of the sheet of the aircraft register.
As soon as there is a change in the stored data, you must notify the Luftfahrt-Bundesamt or the appointed air sports association with which your aircraft is registered. Under special circumstances, German authorities may access your data. This applies
- for administrative measures in the field of air traffic,
- to prosecute violations of aviation regulations, or
- to prosecute criminal offences or to avert threats to public safety.
For air sports equipment such as microlight aircraft and microlight helicopters, the commissioned air sports associations are responsible, in this case the German Aero Club or the German Microlight Association. For all other aircraft, such as powered aircraft, gliders, motor gliders or helicopters, the Federal Aviation Authority is responsible.
- Proof of German type examination or
- Proof EU type approval
- Copy of identity card (front and back) or passport and registration certificate
- Proof of acquisition of ownership of the UL
If registered on the basis of a German type examination:
- Proof of sample testing (equipment identification sheet)
- Proof of routine testing of the complete UL (all components in combination, available from the manufacturer or authorized dealer)
In the case of registration on the basis of the EU type approval
- Fully completed certificate, stamped and signed by the manufacturer or authorized dealer, such as the "Fiche D' Identification" for air sports equipment registered in France.
- Entry in the aircraft register: EUR 80,00
- Change of registration: EUR 25,00
5 days. However, depending on the workload, processing may take longer.
Forms: yes
Online procedure possible: no
Written form required: yes
Personal appearance required: no
The registration or change of their data in the air sports register must be requested in writing by mail or e-mail.
- Print out the application form on the website of your preferred air sports association and fill it in completely.
Send the application form with the required documents either
- by mail or
- by e-mail to the address of your air sports association.
- Provided your application is complete, you will receive a certificate of registration by mail.
Federal Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure
- Luftsportgeräteverzeichnis Eintragung von zulassungsbefreiten Ultraleichtflugsportgeräten
Remark: Anzeige der Leistung im Ursprungsportal
38108 Braunschweig
71577 Großerlach