Apply for a loan for individual measures for the energy-efficient refurbishment of residential buildings
The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) promotes measures to increase energy efficiency.
Funding is available for the energy-efficient refurbishment of residential buildings for which the building contract or the building notification was submitted before 01.02.2002.
You can receive a loan of up to EUR 50,000 per residential unit for the following individual measures:
- Thermal insulation of walls
- Thermal insulation of roof surfaces
- Thermal insulation of basement and floor ceilings
- Renewal of windows and exterior doors
- Renewal/installation of a ventilation system
- Local and district heating connection
- Optimisation of existing heating systems, provided they are more than two years old.
You will not receive any subsidies
- for holiday homes and apartments,
- for rescheduling of existing loans,
- for follow-up financing of projects already started or completed,
- for photovoltaic systems.
The loan amount is up to EUR 50,000 per residential unit. The repayment subsidy for the loan is up to EUR 10,000 per residential unit.
You must keep all documents relating to the eligible costs.
The applications for the subsidy are processed by the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW).
You do not have a claim to the approval of the subsidy.
Applications may be submitted by:
- anyone renovating a residential property
- first-time buyers of refurbished residential property
- Contracting providers who plan, build and operate energy-efficient refurbishment measures on behalf of others.
Eligible to apply are
- all sponsors of investment measures in owner-occupied or rented residential buildings and owner-occupied apartments
- Buyers of newly refurbished residential buildings or owner-occupied flats Further requirements:The application must be submitted before construction work begins.
- Your measure must meet certain minimum technical requirements
- You must involve an energy efficiency expert from the federal government's list of experts.
The building application or the building notification for the residential building in question must have been submitted before 01.02.2002.
When applying, you must submit to your funding partner:
- Confirmation of application
- If applicable, confirmation from the municipality on the classification of the building as other building fabric particularly worthy of preservation.
When you have completed your measure, you must submit the following documents:
- Confirmation after completion
and for loans over EUR 25,000 you must submit the following documents:
- Supplement to the "Confirmation after implementation"
Forms on the KfW website (under Forms and Downloads)
You can obtain the confirmations from your energy efficiency expert
Not applicable
- Application: before the start of the construction project
- Call period of the loan: within 12 months after loan approval, an extension to a maximum of 36 months is possible.
- Commitment fee: You do not pay a commitment fee for the first 12 months after approval.
Proof of use of funds: within 15 months after full disbursement of the loan.
3 to 5 days
You can start implementing the measure immediately after you have been approved for your funding.
- Forms: yes
- Online procedure possible: no
- Written form required: yes
- Personal appearance required: no (depends on the procedure of the financing partner)
You will receive the original forms from your funding partner. You fill out the forms together.
You must submit the application for funding together with your financing partner in writing to the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW).
- You can find an energy efficiency expert in your area on the website of the German Energy Agency (dena).
- You discuss the planning and monitoring of your renovation measure with the expert. This expert checks the eligibility of your measure and prepares the confirmation of application (BzA). The expert will send you the identification number (ID) of the BZA (BzA-ID), which you need for your application.
- Talk to your financing partner (a bank, building society or financial intermediary with whom you would like to conclude your construction financing) about including a subsidised loan. They will advise you on which additional documents are required and will submit the application to KfW on your behalf.
- KfW will review your application and inform you or your financing partner whether your loan with repayment subsidy will be approved.
- If KfW approves your application, you conclude a loan agreement with your financing partner.
- As soon as you have received approval for your subsidy, you can start construction work or buy the renovated property.
- Depending on the progress of construction, your financing partner will pay you the loan in one sum or in instalments.
- When you have completed the measure, you must prove to your financing partner that you have spent the money from the loan on the planned measure.
- Your financing partner will check and confirm your evidence and forward it to KfW.
If KfW has also checked the evidence, you will receive the repayment grant as a credit to your loan account. This reduces the term of your loan.
Leaflet on energy-efficient refurbishment - loan (152)
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)
- Energieeffizient Sanieren - Kredit Bewilligung Einzelmaßnahmen (152)
Remark: Anzeige der Leistung im Ursprungsportal
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
60325 Frankfurt am Main
- Monday to Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
For advice on financing and application:
Schedule a consultation with a financing partner of your choice.