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You enter your place of residence or the place where you want to contact the administration or use the location sensing.

Enter words here that describe what you are looking for (e.B. cut a tree) or a matter for citizens and companies (e.B. house construction, marriage).
Source: BUS Sachsen-Anhalt (Linie6Plus)

Apply for grants for political education events (guideline funding)


For organisations that have their own training centre, the funding amount is usually up to EUR 50.00 per programme day and per participant. If your organisation does not have its own educational institution, you can receive up to EUR 40.00.

The conditions for grants are set out in the "Guidelines for the Recognition and Promotion of Political Education Events by the Federal Agency for Civic Education (BpB)" (Funding Guidelines).

A prerequisite for funding is that you as an organisation have successfully passed the BpB's recognition procedure. As a so-called "recognised sponsor", you then submit an annual application for the following year. After a positive review of this application, the BpB will determine an expected annual quota (maximum annual funding amount) for you.

Up to the amount of your annual quota, you will then receive grants on application for individual, delimited projects or events (project funding).

The subsidies, known as grants, cover part of your expenses. As a rule, your own contributions to the event (e.g. participation fees, donations or the work of your full-time staff) should amount to at least 15 percent of the actual expenses.

You are not entitled to funding or individual grants. The BpB will make its decision on the basis of available budget funds, among other things.
You must submit your application for guideline funding online or in writing to the BpB.

The following can apply for a guideline grant

  • Organisations that are recognised providers of political education.

Further prerequisite:

  • the recognition procedure at the Federal Agency for Civic Education (BpB) has been successfully completed and an annual quota has been received,
  • the topic of your event is of considerable federal interest,
  • has supraregional significance and
  • meets the didactic requirements of political education (e.g. appropriate presentation of controversial positions, adherence to the Beutelsbach Consensus).
  • Your event is generally accessible
  • the venue of the event is in Germany or
  • at the headquarters of European Union institutions (for example in Brussels or the surrounding area)
  • in exceptional cases, conference venues close to the border in neighbouring countries are possible

You must submit the following with your application

  • Completed expenditure and financing plan (form 2).
  • As informal documents:
    • Meaningful concept with description of learning objectives;
    • Description of the target group;
    • Number of expected participants;
    • Programme, from which the content and duration as well as the respective speakers, the conference venue and the conference location can be seen;
    • Presentation of the general accessibility of the event (e.g. publication on the Internet or in social media).
  • If you are sending the application by mail in addition:
    • Signed cover letter
    • Application form Option A

You must submit the annual application for the following year by 30.11. of the current year at the latest.

Please submit applications for individual educational measures no later than 4 weeks before the start of the event. In exceptional cases, shorter deadlines are possible for events due to current political events.

As a rule, you must submit the proof of use no later than 2 months after the end of the funding period in accordance with the funding decision.

  • for the processing time of the application: usually 10 days to 4 weeks
  • Opposition
  • Administrative court action

  • Forms: yes
  • Online procedure possible: yes
  • Written form required: yes
  • Personal appearance required: no

You can submit your application for grants for individual educational measures from your annual quota online or in writing to the Federal Agency for Civic Education (BpB).

Online procedure

  • The application wizard will guide you step by step through the required information and documents. Fill out the application online and upload the required documents (in the file formats PDF, JPG or PNG; maximum 5 megabytes per file).
  • After logging into your organisation account and authenticating yourself using your ID card with online function, you can send the application to the BpB.
  • The BpB will check your documents for completeness and timely receipt and will contact you if further documents or evidence are required.
  • The BpB will also check whether your project complies with the funding guidelines in terms of content and funding.
  • If the assessment is positive, the BpB will send you a notification of award by post.
  • If your project is rejected, you will receive a rejection letter.
  • Once you have received a notification of award, you can apply for payments on account.
  • You must subsequently provide the BpB with evidence that the funds have been used.

In writing by post

  • Download the application forms and pre-printed forms from the BpB website and print them out.
  • Send the completed and signed applications or forms as well as the respective informal documents by post to the BpB.
  • The BpB will check your documents for completeness and timely receipt and will contact you if further documents or evidence are required.
  • The BpB will also check whether your project complies with the funding guidelines in terms of content and funding.
  • If the assessment is positive, the BpB will send you a notification of award by post.
  • If your project is rejected, you will receive a rejection letter by post.
  • Once you have received a notification of award, you can apply for payments on account.
  • You must subsequently provide the BpB with evidence of the use of the funding.

Federal Ministry of the Interior, for Construction and Home Affairs (BMI)

Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (BpB)
Adenauerallee 86
53113 Bonn, Stadt
+49 228 99515-0
+49 228 99515-113

Monday to Friday: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm