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Applying for administrative proceedings if a basic payment account is refused


In principle, a bank may refuse your application for a basic payment account only if:

  • you already have and can use a payment account with another credit institution in Germany;
  • you have not been convicted of an intentional criminal offence against the credit institution, one of its employees or its customers within the last 3 years;
  • you already hold a basic payment account with the same bank and this bank has terminated your basic payment account contract because you had payment arrears or used your account for prohibited purposes; or
  • provisions on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing require an institution to refuse to open the account.

When you apply for administrative proceedings, the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) will examine whether the bank was right to reject your application for a basic payment account.

If the bank wrongly refuses to open a basic payment account, BaFin will order the credit institution to open a basic payment account for you. Note: If the bank chooses not to open a basic payment account for you once you have submitted your application for the account, it must inform you of this in writing within 10 days.

  • Your application to enter into a basic payment account contract has been rejected by the credit institution
  • Application to enter into a basic bank account contract from the credit institution concerned
  • Bank’s decision to reject your application


Note: If an account is opened for you, account fees may be charged.

  • Depends on the number of applications

Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin)
Referat ZR3
Graurheindorfer Str. 108
53117 Bonn

Postfach 1253
53002 Bonn

Email: schlichtungsstelle@bafin.de
Fax +49 2284108-62299
Tel. +49 2284108-0

BaFin consumer line:
Tel. +49 8002100500

Sign language telephone via ISDN: +49 228998080838
Sign language telephone via IP: gebaerdentelefon.bafin@sip.bafin.buergerservice-bund.de
Fax +49 2284108-7774
Email: bafin.deaf@buergerservice.bund.de
Office hours:
Monday to Friday from 8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.

  • Forms: Yes
  • Can I do it online? No
  • Do I need to do it in writing? Yes
  • Do I need to attend in person? No

You must apply in writing to BaFin for administrative proceedings against your credit institution.

  • Download the application form on the BaFin website and complete it in full.
  • Send the signed application with the necessary documents to the address indicated on the form.
  • BaFin will acknowledge receipt of the request in writing. It then will check whether you meet the conditions for entering into a basic payment account contract.
  • If the bank has wrongly rejected your application, BaFin will order the opening of a basic payment account. You will receive written confirmation that the proceedings have been closed.
  • If your application to BaFin is rejected, you can appeal to have the decision re-examined. Your bank can also appeal if BaFin issues an order that a basic payment account must be opened for you.

Note: You must indicate a postal address on the application form (e.g. of friends or of a family member).

Federal Ministry of Finance

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