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Apply for funding for German-Polish art and culture projects


The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM) promotes Polish art and culture in Germany. You can receive funding of up to EUR 20,000 for the following measures:

  • artistic or cultural projects with a German-Polish or Polish context, in particular
    • Projects that provide a forum for Polish culture and history in Germany,
    • projects that introduce the cultural life of Polish-speaking fellow citizens into the German cultural scene,
    • Projects that contribute to the preservation and cultivation of the Polish language, culture and tradition in Germany,
    • projects that make a significant contribution to German-Polish understanding,
    • projects that enable the Polish-speaking population to present their culture in public,
    • projects which are related to the youth,
    • projects which are perceived by the public on a supra-regional level.

Funding is available for any area of culture, for example:

  • visual arts,
  • performing arts,
  • literature,
  • music,
  • dance,
  • folklore,
  • architecture,
  • fashion,
  • design,
  • graphics,
  • film,
  • photography,
  • new media,
  • young artists' competitions and projects.

You will not receive funding for:

  • Measures that you have already started or completed before submitting your application.

The amount of funding depends on

  • how much of your own funds you can contribute,
  • how much money you can get from other donors, and
  • how much your project contributes to the promotion of Polish art and culture in Germany.

After the end of the project, you must prove that you have used the funding in the spirit of the project. You must keep all invoices and receipts related to the eligible costs.
You submit your application to Department K 44 at the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM).
You have no claim to the granting of funding.

Applications may be submitted by:

  • Resident in Germany
    • a non-profit legal entity under private law
      • Associations
      • Foundations
    • legal persons under public law
      • Corporations
      • Institutions
      • Foundations
    • municipal regional authorities
      • Municipalities
      • Counties
    • non-profit ecclesiastical sponsors

Further requirements:

  • You must co-finance your project with your own funds, funds from federal states and municipalities and/or donations from third parties.
  • You have not yet started your project
  • When you submit the application, you must also be the person carrying out the project

When submitting your application, you must submit:

  • Cost and financing plan including
    • existing own funds
    • promised or expected third-party funding
    • the amount of funding applied for
  • If applicable, further funding applications and commitments from third parties
  • Project description with
    • Reasons and explanations
    • Aim and purpose of the project
    • working methods
    • expected results
    • relevance of the action to the promoter of the project
  • programme with a timetable of the individual activities
  • List of project staff with reference to their qualifications and synopsis of the topics,
  • for cost items above EUR 500: at least 3 informal cost statements
  • for registered associations: chronological excerpt from the register of associations on the right of representation
  • Preliminary calculation for publications
  • Contract for work/temporary employment contract/honorarium contract of the project staff members
  • Notice of entitlement to input tax deduction

When you have completed your project, you must submit the following documents:

  • Proof of use of the funding received
  • Factual report
  • Application:
    • for the following year: by 30 September (date of receipt)
    • for the second half of the current year: by 31 March (date of receipt)
    • before the start of the project
  • proof of use of funds: within 2 months after the end of the project
  • usually 2 to 4 months
  • Forms necessary: yes
  • Online procedure possible: no
  • Written form required: yes
  • Personal appearance required: no

You must submit the application for funding in writing to the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM).

  • You go to the Federal Government's website and download the application form there.
  • You fill out the application for your project electronically, print it out and sign it.
  • You send the signed application together with the other required documents by post to Department K 44 at BKM. Please also send the application by e-mail to K44@bkm.bund.de .
  • You will receive an acknowledgement of receipt from the BKM.
  • Your application will be forwarded by the BKM to a jury of experts in German-Polish cultural relations. The jury will advise the BKM on its decision regarding your application.
  • The BKM will inform you of its decision by post. The BKM will then forward your application to the Federal Office of Administration (BVA). The BVA will review your cost and financing plan.
  • You will then receive notification by post from the BVA as to whether your application for funding has been approved.
  • You will receive information on how to request the funding together with the notification from the BVA.
  • You can request the grant funds if you need them to make a payment within 6 weeks of the disbursement.
  • Once you have completed your project, you will need to prove to the BVA that you have spent the money from the grant on your project.

The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM)

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