Deregister your place of residence
If you move out of an apartment and do not move into another apartment in Germany, you must deregister.
The most important cases are moving abroad or deregistering a secondary residence.
If you move within Germany, you do not have to deregister. It is sufficient if you register with your new municipality.n.
In the case of persons under the age of 16, care must be taken to ensure that they are deregistered by the person from whose home they are moving out.
Confirmation from the landlord
in case of written cancellation:
- completed form "Deregistration at the registration authority"
You must deregister with the registration office within two weeks of moving out of the apartment. You can deregister in the week before you move out of the apartment.
- Right away
If you move abroad, you must personally deregister at the competent registration authority (at the original place of residence).
If you only dissolve one of several residences in Germany, you can deregister this residence either at the local registration authority or at the registration authority in whose area of responsibility you remain.
The deregistration of a secondary residence can be recorded at the registration authority responsible for the main or secondary residence.
The violation of the reporting obligation is a violation of the Federal Registration Act (BMG) and can be punished with a fine of up to 1,000 euros.
- personal
- in writing (informal)
The deregistration abroad or the deregistration of a secondary residence outside Halle (Saale) is also possible in writing with the appropriate form.
You have the opportunity to make an appointment for your request online .
Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI)
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
06108 Halle (Saale), Stadt
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