Apply for a fishing license
If you want to go fishing or angling, you need a fishing license. You must carry this with you and show it when required.
A distinction is made between
- Fishing license, which entitles you to all permitted fishing methods, and
- Youth, special and peaceful fishing licenses.
Fishing licenses are issued for 1 to 5 years and for life.
You do not need a fishing license if you,
- assist a holder of a fishing license with fishing,
- fish during a training course under the supervision of the instructor.
For fishing in the respective waters, you also need a fishing permit (fishing card), which you can obtain from the local fishing clubs or fishing associations and professional fishermen/professional fisherwomen.
Fishing license:
To obtain a fishing license, you must successfully pass the fishing exam. There you must demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the following topics:
- the fish species,
- the conservation of fish stocks and water management,
- fishing gear and its use,
- the treatment of caught fish
- as well as the regulations of animal, water, nature conservation and animal disease law relevant to fishing.
In order to be admitted to the examination, you must attend a 30-hour preparatory course in which the knowledge required for the examination is taught. Such courses are offered by angling clubs and educational institutions.
Further information can be found on the website
Youth fishing license:
Young people can only acquire a youth fishing license for which they must have passed a youth fishing examination. The youth fishing license only entitles you to fish for peaceful fish.
Peace fishing license:
People who only want to fish for peaceful fish have the option of acquiring a peaceful fishing license. A peaceful fishing examination must be passed for this.
Special fishing license:
Persons who are unable to take a fishing examination appropriate to their age due to a disability have the option of acquiring a special fishing license. However, the special fishing license only entitles the holder to fish for peaceful fish when accompanied by a person of legal age who holds a fishing license.
- Certificate of passing the examination
- If applicable, equalization by the upper fishing authority
- Proof of training as a professional fisherman, if applicable
- Written declaration in accordance with Annex 4 of the AB-FischG
- Passport photo (not older than 1 year)
- if applicable the applicant's last fishing license
Further information on the documents/attachments required in individual cases can be found in Section 12 of the AB-FischG or ask the competent lower fishing authority.
Fees for taking examinations:
- Fishing test from the age of 18 - 60.00 euros
- Fishing examination up to the age of 18 - 30.00 euros
- Peace fishing examination from the age of 18 - 55.00 euros
- Peace fishing examination up to the age of 18 - 25.00 euros
- Youth fishing examination - 25.00 euros
- Confirmation of examination certificates for the youth or peaceful fishing examination by the fishing authority - €5.00
Fees for the issue of fishing licenses:
- Fishing licenses and peaceful fishing licenses for 1 - 4 years: 10.00 euros per year
- Fishing licenses and peaceful fishing licenses for 5 years: 40.00 euros
- Fishing licenses and peaceful fishing licenses for life: 150.00 euros
- Fishing licenses and peaceful fishing licenses for young people from the age of 14 to the age of 18: 4.00 euros per year
- Special fishing licenses for 1 - 5 years: 4.00 euros per year
- Special fishing licenses for life: 65.00 euros
- Youth fishing licenses: 4.00 euros per year.
In addition, the state of Saxony-Anhalt levies a fishing tax for fishery protection measures, fish species protection, fishery research and special fishery management measures:
- Fishing licenses and peaceful fishing licenses for 1 - 5 years: 6.00 euros per year
- Youth fishing licenses and special fishing licenses: 1.00 Euro per year
- Fishing licenses for life: 125.00 euros
Fishing examinations are held at least once a year for each fishing authority. The dates are set by the districts or independent cities (lower fishing authorities).
Registration for the fishing examination must be made at least 4 weeks before the examination date. Places are usually limited.
Please contact the respective lower fishing authority of the districts and independent cities.
You can apply for a fishing license in person or in writing. Another person can also submit the application on your behalf. You must issue this person with a power of attorney.
In addition to the prescribed compulsory course, an online application can be used to prepare to prepare for the written part of the fishing exam. By taking a simulated fishing exam, the online application allows you to assess the level of knowledge you have acquired. Like the "real" exam, the exam simulation comprises a total of 60 questions, each containing 15 questions from the subject areas of fish knowledge, equipment knowledge, water knowledge and legal knowledge.
Information on obtaining a fishing license (fishing permit) can be obtained from
- the state angling associations and
- the State Fishing Association of Saxony-Anhalt e.V.
Ministry of Economy, Tourism, Agriculture and Forestry of Saxony-Anhalt
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
06122 Halle (Saale), Stadt
Mon: closed
Tue: 09:00 - 12:00 and 13:00 - 17:00
Wed: closed
Thu: 09:00 - 12:00 and 13:00 - 16:00
Fri: closed
Sat: closed
Sun: closed
Frau Julia Hesselbach
06122 Halle (Saale), Stadt
- Halle (Saale), Stadt:
- Alien falconry hunting license - reapply for annual hunting license after confiscation
- Alien falconry hunting license - renew your annual hunting license
- Alien juvenile falconry hunting license - Have day hunting license extended
- Alien youth falconry hunting license - apply for a day hunting license for the first time
- Alien youth falconry hunting license - apply for an annual hunting license for the first time
- Alien youth falconry hunting license - reapply for a day hunting license after confiscation
- Apply for a hunting license
- Carry out a funeral
- Carry out an official burial
- Falconer hunting license - have day hunting license renewed
- Falconry hunting license - register hunting district
- Foreigner hunting license - apply for annual hunting license for the first time
- Foreigner hunting license - register hunting district
- Foreigner youth falconry hunting license - have annual hunting license renewed
- Have youth falconry hunting license changed
- Have youth falconry hunting license replaced due to loss
- Have youth hunting license replaced due to loss
- Hunting examination - Apply for admission to the examination to obtain a hunting license
- Hunting license - renew annual hunting license
- Take the fishing exam
- Youth hunting license - reapply for day hunting license after confiscation
- Hunting examination - Applying for admission to the special hunting examination for falconers in order to obtain a falconry hunting license
- Hunting license - reapply for day hunting license after confiscation
- Hunting license - have a day hunting license renewed
- Pay fishing tax
- Report vehicles parked in violation of traffic regulations
- Youth falconry hunting license - register hunting district
- Youth falconry hunting license-Day hunting license apply for the first time
- Youth falconry hunting license-Day hunting license reapply after confiscation
- Youth hunting license - day hunting license renewal
- Alien falconry hunting license - Have your daily hunting license extended
- Alien falconry hunting license - reapply for a daily hunting license after confiscation
- Alien hunting license - reapply for annual hunting license after confiscation
- Alien youth falconry hunting license - reapply for annual hunting license after confiscation
- Apply for a fishing license
- Apply for permission to organize or broker a lottery
- Applying for a falconry hunting license for the first time
- Applying for a falconry hunting license for the first time
- Become a district chimney sweep
- Falconer hunting license - reapply for annual hunting license after confiscation
- Falconry exam - apply for admission to the falconry hunting license exam
- Falconry hunting license - renew annual hunting license
- Falconry hunting license day hunting license after confiscation apply again
- Foreigner hunting license - Reapply for day hunting license after confiscation
- Have falconry hunting license changed
- Have falconry hunting license replaced due to loss
- Have foreigner hunting license changed
- Have foreigner hunting license replaced due to loss
- Have hunting license changed
- Have hunting license replaced due to loss
- Have youth hunting license changed
- Hunting license - reapply for annual hunting license after confiscation
- Hunting license - register hunting district
- Request to keep dangerous dogs
- Youth falconry hunting license day hunting license renewal
- Youth falconry hunting license-annual hunting license first time application
- Youth falconry hunting license-annual hunting license reapply after confiscation
- Youth falconry hunting license-annual hunting license renewal
- Youth hunting license - reapply for annual hunting license after confiscation
- Youth hunting license - apply for day hunting license for the first time
Fr. Renate Klemenz
06122 Halle (Saale), Stadt
- Halle (Saale), Stadt:
- Apply for a fishing license
- Apply for a hunting license
- Applying for a falconry hunting license for the first time
- Applying for a falconry hunting license for the first time
- Falconer hunting license - have day hunting license renewed
- Falconer hunting license - reapply for annual hunting license after confiscation
- Falconry exam - apply for admission to the falconry hunting license exam
- Falconry hunting license - register hunting district
- Falconry hunting license - renew annual hunting license
- Falconry hunting license day hunting license after confiscation apply again
- Foreigner youth falconry hunting license - have annual hunting license renewed
- Have falconry hunting license changed
- Have falconry hunting license replaced due to loss
- Have hunting license changed
- Have hunting license replaced due to loss
- Have youth falconry hunting license changed
- Have youth falconry hunting license replaced due to loss
- Have youth hunting license changed
- Have youth hunting license replaced due to loss
- Hunting examination - Apply for admission to the examination to obtain a hunting license
- Hunting examination - Applying for admission to the special hunting examination for falconers in order to obtain a falconry hunting license
- Hunting license - have a day hunting license renewed
- Hunting license - reapply for annual hunting license after confiscation
- Hunting license - reapply for day hunting license after confiscation
- Hunting license - register hunting district
- Hunting license - renew annual hunting license
- Pay fishing tax
- Take the fishing exam
- Youth falconry hunting license - register hunting district
- Youth falconry hunting license day hunting license renewal
- Youth falconry hunting license-Day hunting license apply for the first time
- Youth falconry hunting license-Day hunting license reapply after confiscation
- Youth falconry hunting license-annual hunting license first time application
- Youth falconry hunting license-annual hunting license reapply after confiscation
- Youth falconry hunting license-annual hunting license renewal
- Youth hunting license - apply for day hunting license for the first time
- Youth hunting license - day hunting license renewal
- Youth hunting license - reapply for annual hunting license after confiscation
- Youth hunting license - reapply for day hunting license after confiscation