jump link

citizen service


You enter your place of residence or the place where you want to contact the administration or use the location sensing.

Enter words here that describe what you are looking for (e.B. cut a tree) or a matter for citizens and companies (e.B. house construction, marriage).
Source: BUS Sachsen-Anhalt (Linie6Plus)

Apply for recognition as an auditor for earthworks and foundation engineering


As a test expert or test expert for earthworks and foundation engineering, you check and certify the completeness and correctness of the information about the subsoil.

If you want to work in this profession, you must be recognized. You must apply for this recognition.

You must prove the general and special requirements in accordance with § 3, 4 and 32 of the Ordinance on Test Engineers and Test Experts (PPVO).

You must submit the documents in accordance with § 4, 32 and 34 PPVO with the application.

The fees depend on the administrative burden.

In addition, you must pay fees for the expert opinion in advance.


Up to 3 months.

Please contact the Ministry of Infrastructure and Digital Saxony-Anhalt.

Written form required: no

You submit the written application to the competent authority. This will then check on the basis of your submitted documents and the condition to be fulfilled whether you can be recognised. This also includes the preparation of an expert opinion. You will then receive an acknowledgement or rejection decision.

Ministry of Regional Development and Transport

The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

Ministerium für Infrastruktur und Digitales des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt
Turmschanzenstraße 30
39114 Magdeburg, Landeshauptstadt
0391 567-7504
0391 567-7509
Linie 5
Number: 0
Fees: no
elevator available, wheelchair-accessible