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You enter your place of residence or the place where you want to contact the administration or use the location sensing.

Enter words here that describe what you are looking for (e.B. cut a tree) or a matter for citizens and companies (e.B. house construction, marriage).
Source: BUS Sachsen-Anhalt (Linie6Plus)

Apply for partial approval for the construction of a plant


If you wish to erect and/or operate a part of an installation which, due to its nature or operation, is particularly likely to cause harmful effects on the environment or otherwise endanger, significantly disadvantage or significantly disturb the general public or the neighborhood, you require a partial permit from the competent authority. The authority checks whether there is a legitimate interest for the construction and operation. After complete examination by the authority, you will receive the decision in the form of a notice.

The partial permit is granted if the fulfillment of the obligations arising from the Federal Immission Control Act is ensured for the partial project and no other regulations under public law or occupational health and safety concerns conflict with this, and a preliminary assessment shows that there are no a priori insurmountable obstacles to the construction and operation of the entire plant.

  • Required drawings, plans, expert opinions
  • explanations and
  • Other documents (if necessary, ask the competent body).

Before the implementation of the project

  • Objection
  • Complaint

lower building supervisory authority

The approval procedure requires a written application, which must be accompanied by the drawings, plans, expert opinions and explanations as well as other documents required for the examination of the approval prerequisites.

  • If your application is complete, it must be published together with the documents, if applicable, and then made available for public inspection for one month. In simplified approval procedures or if public participation is waived, there is no public display and no discussion meeting.
  • At the latest at the same time as the public announcement of the project, the approval authority shall simultaneously request the authorities to be involved to submit their comments on the approval prerequisites within one month.
  • If the approval requirements are met, the authority checks whether there is a justified interest in the construction and operation of the subproject.
  • A preliminary assessment shows whether there are no a priori insurmountable obstacles to the construction and operation of the entire plant with regard to the partial approval requirements.
  • You will receive the notice of approval or rejection for the partial project.

The binding effect of the preliminary overall assessment does not apply if a change in the factual or legal situation or individual inspections within the scope of subsequent partial approvals lead to an assessment that deviates from the preliminary overall assessment, i.e. the granting of further partial approvals or the overall approval may also be refused.

Saxon State Ministry for Energy, Climate Protection, Environment and Agriculture (SMEKUL)

The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

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