As an IT service provider, enter master data in EMCS or have it changed
If traders wish to transport untaxed products, such as alcohol and alcoholic beverages, tobacco products or energy products, they need a special permit and registration to participate in the computerised Excise Movement and Control System (EMCS). The various transport steps are recorded in this system.
IT service providers can carry out the EMCS message exchange for economic operators. In order to be able to participate in EMCS as an IT service provider, you must first deposit your master data (including name, address, contact person) with the Directorate General of Customs, Directorate II - Master Data Management. In the case of a new application, you will receive the IT service provider identification number from there. You can also have the master data changed with the same application.
- You are an IT service provider and carry out the EMCS message exchange for economic operators.
You want to enter or change your master data in EMCS.
You do not need to submit any additional documentation.
There are no costs for you.
You do not have to meet any deadlines.
Processing usually takes between 1 and 2 weeks.
As this is not an administrative act, it is not possible to lodge an appeal.
Forms: yes
Online procedure possible: no
Written form required: yes
Personal appearance required: no
To record or change master data in EMCS, you as an IT service provider must submit a written request:
Go to the website of the customs administration and download the following application:
- Application for Entry or Change of IT Service Provider Master Data (Form 033083).
- Fill out the application, sign it and send it to the Master Data Management of the Directorate General of Customs.
- You will receive written confirmation that your master data has been entered or changed. If it is an application for initial registration as an IT service provider, you will be informed of the IT service provider identification number.
- The deposit of subscriber data (including network connection, message groups) must be applied for separately.
- Economic operators for whom you are to act as an IT service provider must apply for this using form 033094.
- Verordnung (EG) Nummer 684/2009 (EMCS-DVO) der Kommission zur Durchführung der Richtlinie 2008 /118/EG des Rates in Bezug auf die EDV-gestützten Verfahren für die Beförderung verbrauchsteuerpflichtiger Waren unter Steueraussetzung
- § 9 Biersteuergesetz (BierStG)
- § 16 Biersteuerverordnung (BierStV)
- § 13 Alkoholsteuergesetz (AlkStG)
- § 28 Alkoholsteuerverordnung (AlkStV)
- § 9 in Verbindung mit § 29 Absatz 3 Schaumwein- und Zwischenerzeugnissteuergesetz (SchaumwZwStG)
- § 9 in Verbindung mit § 29 Absatz 3 Schaumwein- und Zwischenerzeugnissteuergesetz (SchaumwZwStG)
- § 15 in Verbindung mit § 43 und in Verbindung mit § 50 Absatz 1 Schaumwein- und Zwischenerzeugnissteuerverordnung (SchaumwZwStV)
- § 15 in Verbindung mit § 43 und in Verbindung mit § 50 Absatz 1 Schaumwein- und Zwischenerzeugnissteuerverordnung (SchaumwZwStV)
- § 15 in Verbindung mit § 43 und in Verbindung mit § 50 Absatz 1 Schaumwein- und Zwischenerzeugnissteuerverordnung (SchaumwZwStV)
- § 10 Tabaksteuergesetz (TabStG)
- § 16 Tabaksteuerverordnung (TabStV)
- § 9d Energiesteuergesetz (EnergieStG)
- § 28a Energiesteuerverordnung (EnergieStV)
Federal Ministry of Finance
- Erfassung bzw. Änderung von IT-Dienstleister-Stammdaten für das IT-Verfahren EMCS Durchführung
Remark: Anzeige der Leistung im Ursprungsportal
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01077 Dresden, Stadt