Apply for the issue of an amateur radio examination certificate or an amateur radio certificate
If you have passed an amateur radio examination, you can apply for an examination certificate for amateur radio examinations. The examination certificate is also your amateur radio certificate.
You must have passed your amateur radio examination either at the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) or at one of the following former competent authorities:
- German Federal Post Office
- Federal Office for Post and Telecommunications
- Regulatory Authority for Telecommunications and Post.
Depending on the amateur radio examination you have passed, you will receive an amateur radio certificate for
- Class A or
- class E
If you have demonstrated your ability to transmit and listen to Morse code as part of an examination, the BNetzA can certify this in your examination certificate.
CEPT Novice license and HAREC
In addition to your examination certificate, you can also apply for a CEPT Novice license and the HAREC. With these licenses, you can apply for amateur radio permits abroad if you are only staying in the respective country temporarily and do not live there permanently.
You will receive a CEPT Novice license in accordance with ERC Report 32 if you have passed the following amateur radio examinations:
- Class E or
- Class 3.
A Harmonized Amateur Radio Examination Certificate (HAREC), i.e. an internationally harmonized amateur radio certificate in accordance with CEPT recommendation T/R 61-02, will be issued to you on application if you have passed one of the following amateur radio examinations:
- Class A,
- Class B,
- Class C,
- Class 1 or
- Class 2
Please note: If you have taken your amateur radio examination in another country, you must apply for the certificate there. If you have only taken parts of the amateur radio examination with an authority in Germany, the BNetzA can only certify these parts of the examination.
Note: If you do not have a license for the amateur radio service and the statutory retention periods have already expired, it may be necessary to provide evidence that you have successfully passed the examination.
You have successfully passed an amateur radio examination with the BNetzA or a previous competent German authority.
- Application
If applicable, references to a successfully completed examination, for example
- a notification from a competent German authority that you have passed the amateur radio examination,
- an invalidated previous amateur radio license or
- an entry concerning you in a previous callsign list.
- Further information on how to lodge an objection can be found in the notification or the fee notice.
- Appeal to the administrative court
You can apply for the amateur radio examination certificate online or informally by e-mail or post from the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA).
Online application:
- Call up the online application on the federal portal This will guide you step by step through the necessary information. Complete the application in full online.
- Submit your application online.
- The BNetzA will check and process your application.
You will receive
- your amateur radio examination certificate and
- a request for payment.
You transfer the fee.
Application by e-mail or post:
- You can submit your application informally.
- Send your application to the BNetzA either by e-mail or by post.
- The BNetzA will check and process your application.
You will receive
- your amateur radio examination certificate and
- a request for payment.
- You transfer the fee.
There are no indications or special features.
- § 2 Absatz 1 Amateurfunkgesetz (AFuG)
- § 3 Absatz 1 Amateurfunkgesetz (AFuG)
- § 4 Absatz 1 Amateurfunkgesetz (AFuG)
- § 7 Amateurfunkverordnung (AFuV)
- Abschnitt 3 der aktuellen Fassung der Besonderen Gebührenverordnung des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz für individuell zurechenbare öffentliche Leistungen der Bundesnetzagentur (Besondere Gebührenverordnung BNetzA – BNetzABGebV)
Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport Affairs (BMDV)
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
Start your request directly online:
55122 Mainz
44379 Dortmund, Stadt