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Apply for a grant for energy planning and construction supervision for residential buildings.


The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) promotes measures to increase energy efficiency.
You can apply for funding for specialist planning and construction support for:

  • the new construction or renovation of your residential building into a KfW Efficiency House,
  • the energy-efficient refurbishment of your residential building with individual measures.

You can receive a grant of up to EUR 4,000 for the following measures:

  • Services for specialist energy planning,
  • support in the tendering process and evaluation of bids,
  • Construction supervision and control of the energy-relevant construction work by an energy efficiency expert,
  • acceptance and evaluation of the measures,
  • Preparation of sustainability certificates.

You will not receive any funding

  • if you are not financing your new building or refurbishment with a loan or grant from the Energy-efficient Construction (153) or Energy-efficient Refurbishment (151/152, 430) programmes of the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW),
  • if your energy efficiency expert is not commercially independent because, for example, he or she is the owner or employee of the construction company you have commissioned,
  • if you have already started the building project before submitting the application.

You will receive up to 50 percent of the eligible costs, up to a maximum of 4,000 euros, for the energy efficiency expert as a grant.

You will receive the grant when you have completed your measure. To do this, you must prove that you have implemented the measures planned by the energy efficiency expert.
You must keep all invoices and receipts related to the subsidised services.

Applications for funding are processed by the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW).

You have no claim to the approval of the subsidy.

Applications can be submitted by

  • All investors (building owners) who require specialist energy planning and construction support services for the new construction or refurbishment of a residential building by an independent expert.

Further requirements:

  • You can only receive the subsidy if you use a KfW loan or subsidy from one of the following subsidy programmes for your new building or renovation:
    • Energy-efficient refurbishment - loan (151/152)
    • Energy-efficient refurbishment - investment grant (430)
    • Energy-efficient construction (153)
  • Your energy efficiency expert must be registered in the expert list for federal funding programmes
  • Your energy efficiency expert must be commercially independent. Your expert is independent if
    • he is not the owner, partner or employee of your contracted construction company or supplier,
    • he is not contracted by your construction company or supplier, and
    • he does not act as an agent for deliveries or services.

For the application you need from your energy efficiency expert:

  • Confirmation of Application (BzA) for the Construction Monitoring Grant (431).

To initiate payment of the grant, you must submit the following documents after completion of the construction monitoring:

  • Confirmation after Implementation (BnD) for the Construction Monitoring Grant (431).

The confirmation of application (BzA) and the confirmation after implementation (BnD) will be issued by your energy efficiency expert.

  • Not applicable
  • Application: before the start of construction work on site.
  • Disbursement: the confirmation after implementation must be submitted no later than 36 months after KfW's approval
  • for processing the application:
    • immediately, if the review of your application can be completed directly online.
    • if not, usually within 1 to 7 days.

You can start implementing the action immediately after you are approved for your grant.

  • Forms: no
  • Online procedure possible: yes
  • Written form required: yes
  • Personal appearance required: no

You apply for funding online in the KfW grant portal.

  • Visit the website of the German Energy Agency (dena) to find an energy efficiency expert in your area and commission him or her to carry out the energy planning and construction supervision for your building or renovation project.
  • You will receive the "Confirmation of Application (BzA)" from your expert. You will need the identification number printed there (BzA-ID) to submit your application.
  • Submit your application for funding online in the KfW grants portal. Enter the BzA-ID when doing so. Important: You must submit the application before you start construction work.
  • If you are not yet registered, you must first register and provide the following information:
    • Enter your personal data,
    • define password,
    • define security query,
    • complete registration.
  • After sending your application, you will receive a reply from KfW within a few seconds. You can then immediately begin with the implementation of your construction project.
  • You must identify yourself in order for KfW to pay you the grant. You have three procedures to choose from for this:
    • Post-Ident,
    • Video identification or
    • SCHUFA identity check.
  • Select a variant and follow the instructions in the KfW grant portal to complete the identity check.
  • When everything is complete, your energy efficiency expert will hand you the Confirmation after Implementation (BnD).
  • You upload the Confirmation after Implementation (BnD) and all invoices for the energy planning and construction support in the KfW grant portal. If all requirements are met, KfW will transfer the grant to your account.

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)

Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW)
Palmengartenstraße 5-9
60325 Frankfurt am Main
+49 800 5399-001
+49 69 74319-500
  • Monday to Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
  • For advice on financing and application:
    Schedule a consultation with a financing partner of your choice.