Apply for new vineyards for wine
If you are involved in viticulture, new vineyards usually have to be approved. To do this, you must submit an application to the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food (BLE).
Before submitting the application, you must check whether you are allowed to grow grapes on the area or whether there are other legal restrictions, for example due to nature conservation.
Depending on the federal state, it is possible that the acreage for new plantings is restricted in certain areas. In this case, steep slopes (slope gradient of 15 percent or more) are preferred for approval. For this purpose, you must submit a certificate from the responsible state authority.
Further proof may be required if vineyards are eligible for land or quality wine with designation of origin (protected designation of origin, PDO, or protected geographical indication, PGI).
Note that if you are approved, you must plant the vineyards within three years. If you do not plant or plant incompletely, the competent state authority may impose a fine of up to EUR 20,000 per hectare.
In some cases, you do not need permission for new plantings. This only applies under certain conditions, for example if you grow house wine as a hobby.
- you are a tenant or owner of the area
- the area is not yet planted
- you have checked whether you are allowed to use the area for viticulture
- Proof that you own the requested area (extract from the land register, purchase/lease contract or current extract from the EU vineyard register).
- for certain areas: Certificate from the responsible state authority on the usable geographical indication (protected designation of origin, PDO/protected geographical indication, PGI) for federal states in which state ordinances with cultivation restrictions exist for areas outside the cultivation areas
- in the case of steep slopes: certificate of the competent state authority on the indication of the respective slope inclination
Note: If you are granted a permit, you must plant the vineyards within three years. If you do not plant or plant incompletely, the responsible state authority can impose a fine of up to EUR 20,000 per hectare.
- Application: In January and February for decision by August 1 of the year.
- Planting: within three years after approval.
5 months
Forms: yes
Online procedure possible: no
Written form required: yes
Personal appearance required: no
You must apply for the permit in writing:
- Download the "Application for Approval of New Plantings of Grapevines" on the website of the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food (BLE).
- For certain areas, in addition to the application, you must also apply for a "Certificate of Geographical Indication" from the relevant state authority (This also applies to those states where there are restrictions by state ordinances on the issuance of permits for areas outside of the growing regions).
- Complete the application in full, enclose the required documents and send the application to the BLE.
- The BLE will then review your application.
- After the review is completed, you will receive a decision from the BLE.
- Artikel 63 Absatz 1 EU-Verordnung über gemeinsame Marktorganisation für landwirtschaftliche Erzeugnisse (Nr. 1308/2013 vom 17. Dezember 2013)
- Artikel 1 (a) Delegierte EU-Verordnung über das Genehmigungssystem für Rebpflanzen (Nr. 2018/273 vom 11. Dezember 2017)
- Artikel 2 Absatz 1 EU-Durchführungsverordnung zum Genehmigungssystem für Rebpflanzen (Nr. 2018/274 vom 11. Dezember 2017)
- § 7c Absatz 1 Weingesetz (WeinG)
- § 3 Weinverordnung (WeinV)
Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
- Neuanpflanzung von Weinreben Genehmigung
Remark: Anzeige der Leistung im Ursprungsportal
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