Apply for authorization to use an electronic transport document (ETD) as a customs declaration
The Union transit procedure facilitates the movement of goods and customs formalities when transporting goods between two member states of the customs territory of the European Union (EU). Goods under the Union transit procedure are not cleared through customs until they reach their final destination, with no import duties or customs formalities due at border crossings during transportation.
As an airline or shipping company, you can apply to use an electronic transport document as a transit declaration to place goods under the Union transit procedure. In order to use this simplified procedure, you must submit an electronic application.
In air transport, you can also transport the goods between the countries of the European Union (EU) and the countries of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) after obtaining the appropriate authorization.
Authorization will only be granted if you meet the following requirements:
- You carry out a significant number of flights/journeys between airports/ports in the Union.
- The customs office at the airport/port of departure and the customs office at the airport/port of destination have the relevant information available in electronic form. This information must be identical.
Please enclose the following documents with the application:
Parts I to III and V of the customs conditions questionnaire
- Authorized economic operators (AEO) do not need the questionnaire
The documents must be sent directly to the competent main customs office with reference to the application number generated by the EU Trader Portal.
There are no costs for you.
Authorization to use an electronic transport document (ETD) must be obtained before the goods are placed under the Union transit procedure.
You will usually receive notification of your application within 120 days of it being accepted.
- Appeal. Detailed information on how to lodge an appeal can be found in the rejection or approval notice.
- Fiscal court action
Forms: yes
Online procedure possible: yes
Written form required: yes
Personal appearance required: no
If you wish to apply for an ETD authorization, you must submit the application electronically via the EU Trader Portal. This is an IT application accessible via the European Commission's website for electronic applications for customs authorizations.
You need a user account to access the EU Trader Portal:
a user account. If you do not yet have a user account,
- complete the application to set up an EU user account (form 05700),
- send the form by e-mail to the Master Data Management team at the General Customs Directorate - Dresden office. (
an EORI number (Economic Operators Registration and Identification number).
- If you do not yet have an EORI number, you must apply for one in your user account in the customs administration's citizen and business customer portal. The user account gives you access to the "EORI number administration" and you can apply for a new EORI number
- Log in to the EU Trader Portal with your access data.
- Complete the application for the ETD authorization type and submit it.
- If necessary, send parts I to III and V of the questionnaire for customs authorizations directly to the responsible main customs office with reference to the application number generated by the EU Trader Portal.
- If the main customs office has successfully checked whether all authorization requirements have been met, an authorization will be issued electronically in the EU Trader Portal.
- If the requirements are not met, you will receive a notification of rejection of the application by post.
- Artikel 233 Absatz 4 Buchstabe e) Verordnung (EU) Nr. 952/2013 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 9. Oktober 2013 zur Festlegung des Zollkodex der Union, Unionszollkodex (UZK)
- Artikel 199 Delegierte Verordnung (EU) 2015/2446 vom 28. Juli 2015 zur Ergänzung des UZK (UZK-DA) (Luftverkehr)
- Artikel 200 Delegierte Verordnung (EU) 2015/2446 vom 28. Juli 2015 zur Ergänzung des UZK (UZK-DA) (Seeverkehr)
- Artikel 233 Absatz 4 Buchstabe e) Unionszollkodex (UZK) in Verbindung mit Artikel 89 Absatz 8 d) Unionszollkodex (UZK) (keine Sicherheitsleistung)
- Artikel 108 ff. Versandübereinkommen zwischen den EFTA-Ländern und der Europäischen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft (ausschließlich für den Luftverkehr)
Federal Ministry of Finance
- Verwendung eines elektronischen Beförderungsdokumentes als Zollanmeldung (ETD) Bewilligung
Remark: Anzeige der Leistung im Ursprungsportal
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