Apply for funding for projects for cultural mediation and the preservation of cultural assets
The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM) supports projects for cultural mediation and the safeguarding and preservation of German cultural assets.
Cultural mediation projects serve to maintain and pass on historical and regional knowledge. They achieve this through cultural encounters and events in Germany and abroad.
You can receive funding for the following measures, for example:
- exhibitions
- Conferences, seminars and workshops
- Offers for multipliers
- Educational and youth work programs
- cultural events on the topics of music, literature and theater
- Popular science print and online publications
- Films, audio and other digital data carriers; online documentation
The safeguarding and preservation of German cultural assets serves to preserve architectural and cultural monuments as well as other cultural assets. These must have a connection to the culture and history of the Germans in the respective regions.
You can receive funding for the following measures in particular:
- Preservation of immovable cultural assets of cultural-historical significance on site, for example through restoration,
- digital reconstructions of important architectural and cultural monuments,
Safeguarding library and archival collections on site through
- digitization
- restoration.
You will not receive funding for
Measures that go beyond the preservation and safeguarding of the original construction and design, for example
- conversions
- extensions
- alterations
other measures that are not monument preservation, for example
- new construction
- reconstruction instead of restoration.
You can involve foreign cooperation partners in your project. You can also carry out your project abroad. Once the project has been completed, you must provide evidence of what you have spent the grant on. To do this, you must keep all invoices and receipts relating to the project costs. You submit your application to the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM). You are not entitled to funding approval.
Reference to further funding opportunities:
There are other funding opportunities for cultural mediation projects. The cultural departments of the federal states support projects that focus on specific regions in Eastern Europe:
- Pomerania and East Brandenburg
- East Prussia and the Baltic states
- West Prussia, the Poznan region and central Poland
- Silesia
- Upper Silesia
- Bohemian lands (Bohemia, Moravia, Moravian Silesia)
- Transylvania
- Danube region
- Germans from Russia and other states of the former Soviet Union
Applications can be submitted by
Legal entities based in Germany, e.g:
- Association
- Foundation under private law
- limited liability company
- public limited company
- Registered cooperative
- Corporation under public law
- Institution under public law
- Foundation under public law
Further requirements:
Your project aims to have a sustainable effect, for example
- the gain of scientific knowledge,
- the learning effect for the public
- an in-depth examination of the past or a contribution to
- a contribution to reconciliation in Europe.
- Your project makes a particular contribution to achieving the funding objectives.
- You have not yet started the project.
- Your proper management is assured.
- You are in a position to prove that the funds are being used for the intended purpose.
- You must also finance your project with your own funds and/or third-party funds.
- The overall financing of your project is secured
- If required: The relevant monument preservation authorities, the current owners and other financial backers have approved the project.
You must submit the following with your application
- expenditure and financing plan
a detailed project description:
- exhibition concept
- Working methods, expected results with numerical underpinning
- Importance of the measure for the applicant
- funding objectives
- time schedule
- Details of the project manager and the person working on the project
additionally (depending on the individual case):
- Proof of promised third-party funding or proof of efforts to obtain third-party funding
- Draft of a work contract / fixed-term employment contract / fee contract
- Conference program with time schedule and list of speakers with details of topics
- Preliminary calculation for publications and typescript in electronic form / on CD-ROM
- Comparative offers in accordance with the provisions of public procurement law
- Information on the type of scientific cooperation sought with institutions in Germany and abroad
- Agreements from the relevant monument preservation authorities, the current owners and other financial backers
for first-time applications:
- Articles of association / rules of procedure
- Authorization to represent the company
- Credit report from the house bank
- Extract from the register of associations (for associations)
- Notice of exemption from the tax office
- Notification of entitlement to deduct input tax (if authorized)
- Activity reports for the last two years
Once you have completed your project, you must submit the following documents:
- Proof of use of the funding
- final report
- at least 3 months before the start of the project
Proof of use of funds:
- within 6 months of the end of the project
- 3 months
- objection
- Administrative court action
Forms required: yes
Online procedure possible: no
Written form required: yes
Personal appearance required: no
You must submit your application for funding in writing to the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM).
- Download the application form from the BKM website. Complete the application electronically, print it out and sign it.
Send the signed application and the other required documents by e-mail to the BKM's Department K 45.
- Note: Exceptionally, you can also submit your application by post.
- The BKM will consult the Federal Institute for Culture and History of the Germans in Eastern Europe in Oldenburg and, if necessary, other experts for expert assessment. The BKM will make a funding decision on your application, taking into account the expert opinions.
- The BKM will inform you of its decision. The BKM will then forward your application to the Federal Office of Administration (BVA). The BVA will check your expenditure and financing plan.
- You will then receive notification by post from the BVA as to whether your application for funding has been approved.
- Once you have completed your project, you must prove to the BVA that you have spent the funding on your project.
The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
26127 Oldenburg (Oldenburg)