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Apply for a grant for measures to provide process heat from renewable energies


The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) promotes the provision of process heat from renewable energies in companies.
You can receive funding for the following measures:

  • Solar collectors,
  • biomass plants,
  • heat pumps, provided they use renewable heat sources.
  • heat storage systems for these heat generators

You do not receive a subsidy

  • for measures required by law,
  • if you have already started the measure before submitting the application.

The amount of the grant depends on the size of your company:

  • small and medium-sized enterprises (up to 249 employees and annual turnover not exceeding EUR 50 million or balance sheet total not exceeding EUR 43 million): up to 55 percent of the eligible costs,
  • large companies (250 and more employees and annual turnover more than EUR 50 million or balance sheet total higher than EUR 43 million): up to 45 percent of eligible costs.

Eligible costs are:

  • all costs for the implementation of the measure,
  • ancillary costs for planning and installation.

Eligible costs are also costs for

  • the integration of the measure into an existing process and
  • the yield monitoring and error detection of the installed measurement and data acquisition systems.

You can receive a maximum grant of EUR 10 million.

You will only receive the grant once you have completed your measure. To do this, you must prove

  • that you have spent the money on the measure,
  • that the measure technically fulfils its purpose.

You must keep all invoices and receipts related to the eligible costs.

Applications for subsidies are processed by the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA).
You are not entitled to the grant.

Reference to further funding opportunities of the programme:
You can also apply for a loan via the funding programme "Federal funding for energy efficiency in industry" (apply for a loan with a repayment subsidy for measures to provide process heat from renewable energies).

Applications can be submitted by

  • domestic and foreign commercial enterprises
  • municipal enterprises
  • farmers
  • freelance professionals
  • Contractors who carry out measures for a company eligible to apply.

Further requirements:

  • Your company must have its registered office or a branch in Germany
  • the subsidised measure must be implemented in Germany and operated for at least three years
  • More than 50 percent of the process heat generated by the measure must be used for the manufacture of products or services.
  • Your measure must meet minimum technical requirements

When submitting your application, you must submit:

  • Data collection sheet or, in the case of non-listed installations, a manufacturer's declaration:
    • Proof of eligibility - biomass plant manufacturer's declaration form.
    • Proof of eligibility - manufacturer's declaration form for heat pumps
    • hydraulic system diagram
  • depending on the type of subsidy:
    • "de minimis": "de minimis" declaration


  • General Block Exemption Regulation (AGVO): reference offer for measure

You will find further details on the required documents in the electronic application form or in the general leaflet on the application procedure.

If you have completed your measure, then you must submit the following documents:

  • Specialist contractor declaration
  • Invoices for the measure
  • Application:
    • Until 31.12.2022
    • before the start of the measure
  • Implementation of the measure: as a rule within 24 months of the decision granting the funding
  • Proof of implementation of the measure: within 3 months after the end of the approval period
  • Processing of the application: 3 to 6 weeks

Once you have submitted your application, you can start the measure at your own financial risk.

  • Forms: yes
  • Online procedure possible: yes
  • Written form required: yes
  • Personal appearance required: no

You must submit the application for funding directly online to the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA).

  • Fill out the electronic application form on the BAFA website. Upload the required documents in the upload area and submit the complete application.
  • You will directly receive an e-mail that your application has been received by BAFA.
  • BAFA will check your application and decide on the funding.
  • You will then receive notification by post from BAFA as to whether your grant is approved.
  • You begin with the implementation of the measure. Note : If you do not wish to wait for the decision on the grant, you can start implementing the measure as soon as you have submitted your application, at your own financial risk.
  • Once you have completed the measure, you must provide proof that it has been carried out. To do this, you fill out a proof online on the BAFA website. You still need to upload the following documents in the upload area:
    • A confirmation from the manufacturer or supplier that your measure fulfils the technical performance (specialist contractor declaration),
    • the invoices for the measure.
  • Submit the complete proof.
  • Once BAFA has checked your proof, you will receive your grant.

It is best to seek advice from an energy efficiency expert before submitting your application for funding.
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can apply for additional grants for this from BAFA under the programme "Bundesförderung für Energieberatung im Mittelstand".

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)

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