C (101 Hits)
- Calculate and pay energy tax
- Call the German Pension Insurance service hotline
- Cancel the collection of organic waste
- Care costs Apply for relief amount for long-term care insured persons
- Care courses for caring relatives and carers when applying for care leave
- Career entry support for pupils
- Caring for the cultural heritage of displaced persons and refugees
- Carry academic degrees, titles and designations of foreign universities
- carry coffee free of tax
- Carry out a forest burial
- Carry out a funeral
- Carry out an official burial
- Carry out a property survey
- Carry out cremation
- Carry out equalisation association in cooperation with the artists' social insurance fund
- Carry out half-yearly transmission of employment of persons in home work
- Carry out vocational orientation measure for pupils
- Catering industry Issuing of orders (retrospectively)
- Catering Monitoring
- Catering permit Exemption from blackout period
- Catering permit outdoor catering (special use)
- Catering Prohibition
- Central contact point of the BKA for persons threatened by right-wing extremist violence
- Certificate of no impediment to marriage Apply for exemption from the template for foreign nationals
- Certification obtained for participant software for electronic data exchange with the customs administration in the IT procedures ATLAS, AES and EMCS
- Certification of signatures
- Certify explosion-proof equipment
- Change entry in the register of vocational training relationships according to BBiG
- Change field and subsidy declaration
- Change income estimate for the artists' social security fund
- Change of main residence
- Change the order of first names
- Change vehicle data or owner data
- Change your place of residence
- Changing a child's family name by a parent with sole custody
- Changing dog ownership
- Changing family names for an important reason
- Check children's passport status
- Check ID card status
- Checking the reliability of traders in sectors of industry in need of monitoring
- Check maintenance claims against a person living abroad.
- Check maintenance claims against a person living abroad and forward them to the competent authorities.
- Check obligation to pay artists' social security contribution on shareholder's salary
- Check passport status
- Check suitability as adoptive parents for domestic adoption
- Check suitability as adoptive parents for intercountry adoption (country-specific)
- Check suitability as adoptive parents for intercountry adoption (general)
- Chemical substances: Get information
- Children's emergency call
- Child seat in the car
- Choose or deselect religious education
- Citizens' hotline - Employer Bundeswehr
- Citizens' hotline of the Bundeskartellamt
- Citizens' hotline of the Federal Ministry of Defense
- Citizens' hotline of the Federal Ministry of Finance
- Citizens' telephone for military flight operations
- Citizens' telephone on labour law
- Claiming children's sickness benefit for those with statutory health insurance and transferring children's sickness benefit days to the other parent
- Claiming divorce maintenance
- Claiming maintenance
- Claiming maintenance for children born out of wedlock
- Claiming the distribution of household items in the event of separation
- Claim reimbursement of social security contributions as a supplementary benefit to seasonal short-time allowance
- Claim separation maintenance
- Clarifying EU law abroad
- Clarifying neighborhood issues
- Clarifying your pension insurance account
- Close partial ownership land register
- Close the housing land register
- Collecting a single heir certificate
- Communicate changes that are important for the receipt of advance maintenance payments
- Communicate cross-border tax arrangements
- Communicate indications of antitrust violations
- Communicate outsourcing of tasks
- Communicate the performance of the duties of the radiation protection officer
- Company number for social security notifications assigned on request
- Complaint about disadvantages due to a suspicious activity report or internal report
- Complain to the Federal Network Agency about postal and parcel service providers
- Complete a Voluntary Ecological Year
- complete technical and business training for master craftsmen and journeymen
- Completing a voluntary social year
- Concluding an inheritance contract
- Conduct residents' question time
- Confirmation of VAT registration numbers
- Connection of a property to the public drinking water supply system
- Consequences of the dissolution of a compensation association established in cooperation with the artists' social security fund
- Construction and operation of a plant requiring monitoring in accordance with the Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health Authorization of filling stations
- Contact initial reception centres and emergency shelters
- Contact the employer service
- Contact Water Authority
- Continuation of placement / assistance for young adults as foster children, accompaniment
- Correcting the remuneration report to the artists' social insurance fund
- Cosmetics: Report undesirable effects and damage to health
- Cost absorption for participation in a work trial or clarification of occupational aptitude
- Counseling on HIV and other sexually transmitted infections
- Counseling the father on consenting to the adoption of a child
- Create a declaration of consent for minors when travelling without guardians
- Create report market investigation railroad
- Critical infrastructures: demonstrating compliance with the state of the art
- Cross-border shipment of merchandise via the Union transit procedure to be declared to customs online
- Customs control - import bans
D (84 Hits)
- Data collection for transport and traffic statistics
- Data collection in the business community on topics relevant to the environment
- Declare admissibility in the case of special prohibitions of termination
- Declare cash and certain other funds when crossing the border
- Declare diplomatic or consular goods to customs
- Declare goods to customs when exporting via the Internet
- Declare goods to customs when importing via the Internet
- Declare goods to customs when transporting for NATO or partner forces
- Declare postal or courier consignments up to EUR 150.00 to customs
- Declare removal goods at customs
- Declare renunciation of amateur radio license or call sign allocations
- Declare renunciation of German citizenship - for persons abroad
- Declaring joint custody of a child
- Declaring Paternity Recognition
- Delete registered training relationship in the register of vocational training relationships according to BBiG
- Deletion of one of several operated crafts or crafts-like trades
- Deregister broadcasting fee
- Deregistering a company, self-employed or freelance activity with the statutory accident insurance fund
- Deregistering a company for tax purposes
- Deregistering employees with social security
- Deregister secondary residence
- Deregister trade
- Deregister your place of residence
- Deregistration of business or self-employed activity in agriculture, forestry or horticulture
- Deregistration of your insured employee relatives (Mifas) from the agricultural health insurance fund or nursing care insurance fund as well as the agricultural old-age insurance fund
- Designate contact point as critical infrastructure operator
- Designate contact point for notifications as operator of energy supply networks
- Determination of the harmlessness of new or changed insurance conditions of pension funds
- Dietician with training from third countries, professional qualification recognition
- Discharge from German citizenship for persons abroad
- Disclose unaccompanied cash and/or other funds when requested to do so in mail and freight transactions
- Disclose unaccompanied cash on entry and exit from a third country in postal and cargo traffic on request
- Display accident-relevant changes to an operating area
- Display accident-relevant changes to an operating area in advance
- Display a change to your personal data
- Display activities with asbestos on a company-specific basis
- Display activities with asbestos on an object-related basis
- Display activities with biological agents
- Display activities with pathogens
- Display activity as a financial investment broker and advisor
- Display a plant that requires approval for the first time due to a change in the law
- Display business for the commercial manufacture of weapons
- Display employment of a pregnant or breastfeeding woman
- Display fuel oil consumer plant
- Display incidents due to erection or changes in operating areas
- Displaying changes to a wastewater system
- Displaying the burning of pyrotechnic articles as the holder of a permit or certificate of competence
- Displaying the provision of cross-border services in the craft sector subject to licensing for the first time
- Display installation and decommissioning of publicly accessible charging points
- Display of drinking water systems and domestic wells
- Display operation of a medium-sized combustion, gas turbine and internal combustion engine plant
- Display operation of an X-ray device or significant change in operation
- Display operation or significant change in operation of dental, medical and veterinary X-ray equipment
- Display safety-related operational incidents without personal injury in mining
- Display setting of the incident-relevant operation, an operating area or an installation of the operating area
- Display significant changes to low-frequency systems or direct current systems
- Display spacecraft operation
- Display termination of the prostitution license for a prostitution business
- Display the burning of fireworks
- Display the construction and operation of a plant that does not require a permit or a modification relevant to an accident
- Display the start of the erection of aviation obstacles subject to approval
- Display the use of a body of water for exercises, tests and hazard prevention
- Display the use of organic solvents in installations not requiring a permit
- Display use of new or renewed measuring devices
- Display weapon rendered unusable or destroyed
- Display work accident on systems requiring monitoring
- Dispose of bulky waste
- Dispose of bulky waste by collection
- Dispose of waste
- Disposing of end-of-life vehicles
- Disposing of garden waste
- Doctor with training from third countries, recognition of professional qualification
- Dog keeping change due to change of liability insurer
- Dog keeping change due to relocation
- Dog keeping Deregistration due to surrender of the dog
- do one's voluntary service
- Draw up and publish a report on equality and equal pay
- Draw up declaration of waiver of certification of old-age provision and basic pension contracts ("Riester" or "Rürup")
- Driver's license - apply for an extension
- Driving ban and withdrawal of driving licence
- Driving licence - Apply for a transfer of a company driving licence
- Driving school branch - allow
- Drop off the animal in an animal shelter
- Drug Help Counseling