G (17 Hits)
- Gambling halls Apply for permission in the travel industry
- General full-time care for foster children, accompaniment
- Genetic engineering plants Construction and operation Applying for a permit
- Get internship for foreign students or university graduates confirmed
- Get IT service provider approved for EMCS message exchange
- Get non-binding information on sales tax from the customs administration
- Get support in enforcing a child's permanent placement with caregivers
- Give advance notice of the establishment of a construction site
- Giving the father's consent to the adoption of a child
- Giving up a job as a district chimney sweep
- GmbH register
- Grant access to electronic proof of identity
- Grant access to the real estate register
- Grant disabled people equal status with severely disabled people
- Granting a proxy license for the commercial manufacture and/or trade of weapons for the head of a branch office
- Granting a proxy permit for the commercial manufacture and/or trade of weapons to the head of a dependent branch office
- Granting midwifery assistance
H (69 Hits)
- Hand in glass for disposal
- Hand in hazardous waste for disposal
- Hand in old electrical appliances for disposal
- Hand in organic waste for disposal
- Hand in packaging waste for disposal
- Hand in paper waste for disposal
- Hand in recyclables for disposal
- Hand in used portable batteries to the disposal company
- Have a burial carried out
- Have a death certificate issued
- Have a partial ownership land register created
- Have a passenger's licence renewed
- Have asset sales prospectuses approved
- Have a training centre recognised
- Have continuing education for academic health professions recognised
- Have documents certified
- Have driving aptitude courses recognised
- Have educational qualifications from the GDR recognized in higher education
- Have election and change of depositaries approved
- Have errors in your stored personal data corrected in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
- Have falconry hunting license changed
- Have falconry hunting license replaced due to loss
- Have foreigner hunting license changed
- Have foreigner hunting license replaced due to loss
- Have foreign professional qualifications recognised as state examinations for state-certified food chemists
- Have foreign vocational training qualifications recognised
- Have hunting license changed
- Have hunting license replaced due to loss
- Have it checked annually to see if my child is receiving an advance on maintenance
- Have low-threshold offers in the care sector recognised
- Have personal data deleted in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
- Have person removed from eel register as eel fisherman
- Have political education seminars of private educational institutions recognized by the Federal Agency for Civic Education as eligible for special leave
- Have securities prospectuses approved
- Have surveys at schools approved
- Have the acquisition of the required expertise in radiation protection certified
- Have the association of producer organizations recognized
- Have the certificate for taking narcotics with you when traveling abroad notarized
- Have the fishing vessel deleted from the eel register
- Have the land register created
- Have the load limit for co-payments checked in the statutory health insurance
- Have the producer organization recognized
- Have the registration of the heritable building owner corrected
- Have the reported amateur radio station entered in the EMF database
- Have the waiver of inheritance notarized
- Have training and further education centre for professional drivers recognised
- Have voters' register corrected for European elections
- Have your driving instructor license from abroad recognized
- Have your passport changed
- Have youth falconry hunting license changed
- Have youth falconry hunting license replaced due to loss
- Have youth hunting license changed
- Have youth hunting license replaced due to loss
- Having an expired driver's license reissued
- Having changes to the investment conditions of investment funds approved
- Having terminals certified for BOS digital radio
- Health advice for people working in prostitution
- Hiking trail in Saxony-Anhalt
- Hold European elections
- How to file an appeal against decisions of the German Patent and Trade Mark Office [Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt, DPMA]
- Hunting examination - Apply for admission to the examination to obtain a hunting license
- Hunting examination - Applying for admission to the special hunting examination for falconers in order to obtain a falconry hunting license
- Hunting license - Apply for a day hunting license for the first time
- Hunting license - applying for an annual hunting license for the first time
- Hunting license - have a day hunting license renewed
- Hunting license - reapply for annual hunting license after confiscation
- Hunting license - reapply for day hunting license after confiscation
- Hunting license - register hunting district
- Hunting license - renew annual hunting license