I (64 Hits)
- Image use at the Federal Archives Authorization
- Immediately register employees for social insurance (immediate registration)
- Implanting identification chips in dogs
- Importing goods (travel souvenirs) from non-EU countries into Germany (customs control)
- Importing goods from EU countries into Germany
- In addition, display the location and time for the company-related display.
- indicate a fumigation
- Indicate commissioning of installations for the storage or transfer of petrol, fuel mixtures or raw petrol
- Indicate construction or substantial modification or decommissioning of a liquid manure, slurry and silage leachate plant.
- Indicate the birth of a child through institutions
- indicate the intention to appoint a manager of a capital management company
- Infection control advice Ebola
- Information about long trucks
- Information from the population register - apply for self-disclosure
- Information from the property register
- Information on bird flu
- Information on calculating parental allowance
- Information on disabled sports
- Information on floods
- Information on maternity protection
- Information on pollutants in food and feed
- Information on ragweed (ragweed)
- Information on replacing a lost divorce certificate
- Information on rescue services
- Information on the creation of external alarm and emergency plans Communication
- Information on the income tax levy
- Information on the standard land values
- Information telephone on the terrorist organization National Socialist Underground
- Informing the Deutsche Bundesbank and BaFin about new, changed or terminated corporate holdings of banks and financial services institutions
- Informing the Deutsche Bundesbank and BaFin about new, changed or terminated significant shareholdings in banks and financial services institutions
- Informing the Deutsche Bundesbank and BaFin of the appointment of a member and deputy members of the administrative or supervisory body
- Informing the Deutsche Bundesbank and BaFin of the intention to appoint a manager or to authorise a person to act as sole representative
- Inform the Chamber of Crafts of another permanent establishment
- Inform the Deutsche Bundesbank and BaFin of the execution, abandonment or change of the intention to appoint a person to the management or to authorise a person to act as sole representative
- Initiate or apply for the indexing of a medium harmful to minors
- Inquiry of the operators of directional radio links in the specified plan area
- Insert a blocking note on religious affiliation
- Inspecting a development plan
- Inspecting a joint land use plan
- Inspecting a land use plan
- Inspecting a nationwide spatial development plan
- Inspecting a regional land use plan
- Inspecting the register of cooperatives
- Inspect the DPMA register
- Inspect the electoral roll for the Bundestag election
- Inspect the land use plan
- Inspect the register of associations
- Inspect the register of associations
- Inspect the register of associations at the office of the register court
- Instructor aptitude test registration
- Insure employees in the statutory accident insurance during temporary work abroad
- Intended for deletion - Register for the initial qualification test for professional drivers.
- Interest-free loan for the period in which working hours are reduced or completely suspended in order to care for close relatives
- Intermediate examination to determine the level of training during vocational training in accordance with BBIG Registration
- Interpreter and translator - Apply for proof of professional aptitude
- In the case of warnings and fines in road traffic, grant the accused the hearing
- In the gas industry or coal imports and exports, transmit data to the Federal Statistical Office
- INVEST - Grant for venture capital Grants for investments by private individuals in young innovative companies
- Issuance of a certificate of no impediment to marriage for stateless persons, persons entitled to asylum, recognized refugees and persons whose nationality cannot be determined with habitual residence in Germany
- Issue accompanying documents for wine shipments
- Issue and submit certificate of employment or certificate of secondary income
- Issue of binding origin information
- Issuing a death certificate in case of death abroad
- IT security: Apply for certification of persons